Healing Foods Database » Ugni Berry

Ugni Berry

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Relatively unknown and rarely studied, Ugni is a shrub from 30 cm to 170 cm tall with evergreen foliage. In some exceptional cases, the shrub can grow up to 3 m in height. The leaves are opposite, oval, 1–2 cm long and 1-1.5 cm broad, entire, glossy dark green, with a spicy scent if crushed. The flowers are drooping, 1 cm diameter with four or five white or pale pink petals and numerous short stamens; the fruit is a small red, white or purple berry 1 cm diameter. In its natural habitat; the Valdivian temperate rain forests the fruit matures in autumn from March to May.

Health Benefits

  • Ugni berries or Ugni "fruit" are chock full of antioxidants and antiinflammatory compounds. They actual best more commonly known antioxidant berries such as blueberries for their concentration of powerful antioxidants called "polyphenols". Both the berries and the leaves contain highly concentrated antioxidants.

Nutrition Details

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Description Credit: Wikipedia. Wikipedia is used only for general food descriptions and we do not endorse Wikipedia as a source for other health-related information.