Healing Foods Database » Bok Choy

Bok Choy

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Bok choy, pak choi or pok choi is a type of Chinese cabbage. Chinensis varieties do not form heads and have smooth, dark green leaf blades instead, forming a cluster reminiscent of mustard greens or celery. Chinensis varieties are popular in southern China and Southeast Asia.

Health Benefits

  • One cup of shredded bok choy has 34 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and more than a full day’s intake of vitamin A. Vitamin C works as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cells from damage by neutralizing free radicals, or unstable molecules that result from vital chemical processes.

  • In addition to calcium, you need magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin K to build and maintain strong bones. Calcium and phosphorus combine to form hydroxyapatite, which is the primary mineral in bones and teeth. Magnesium creates the collagen matrix that supports the minerals. Vitamin K is better known for its role in blood clotting, but it also regulates mineralization of bones. Even though they’re a rigid structure, bones constantly shed and replace old or damaged tissue, so it’s important to include these nutrients in your diet. One cup of shredded bok choy delivers at least 3 percent of the recommended daily intake of magnesium and phosphorus, 7 percent of calcium and 26 percent of vitamin K.

  • Folate and vitamin B-6 remove the amino acid homocysteine from the blood. This is important because high levels of homocysteine increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. You’ll gain 11 percent of the recommended daily intake of both folate and vitamin B-6 by eating 1 cup of shredded bok choy. It also has 4 percent of the daily value of potassium, which regulates the heartbeat. The calcium and magnesium essential for bones also play a role in maintaining a healthy heart. Calcium stimulates heart muscles to contract, while magnesium encourages them to relax.

  • Like all members of the cruciferous vegetable family, bok choy has unique sulfur-containing compounds that may reduce the risk of breast, prostate, lung and digestive tract cancers. These substances may help the body eliminate carcinogens, prevent cells from turning into cancer or alter metabolism to stop the development of hormone-sensitive cancers. One cup of chopped bok choy has 38 milligrams of glucosinolates, but a daily recommendation hasn’t been established.

Nutrition Details

  • Potassium
    • Amount per serving: 176mg
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded
  • Vitamin A
    • Amount per serving: 62%
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded
  • Calcium
    • Amount per serving: 7%
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded
  • Vitamin C
    • Amount per serving: 52%
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded
  • Iron
    • Amount per serving: 3%
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded
  • Vitamin B-6
    • Amount per serving: 5%
    • Serving size: 1 cup, shredded

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Description Credit: Wikipedia. Wikipedia is used only for general food descriptions and we do not endorse Wikipedia as a source for other health-related information.