How Big Food poisons hard-working Americans

big-food-poisons-hard-working-americans(NaturalHealth365Hard-working Americans across the nation are being poisoned by the very foods that are supposed to nourish them.  For too many years, Big Food corporations have been putting profits before people’s health by pumping out ultra-processed “food-like substances” laden with dangerous additives and chemicals.

Here’s just one example of proof: a recent study shed light on the presence of toxic substances in food, sparking a worldwide discussion about establishing safety limits for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of persistent contaminants linked to human disease.

Risk of PFAS in breakfast cereals and other processed foods

Processed foods are particularly at risk of containing increased amounts of PFAS due to both intentional and unintentional contamination during processing and packaging.  Vegetables, which can also undergo industrial manipulation, may exhibit varying PFAS levels depending on the extent of processing.

The study referenced above assessed the amount and type of PFAS in fresh, frozen, and ready-to-eat vegetables.  Significant differences were observed among the three groups, with ready-to-eat vegetables showing statistically higher PFAS content compared to frozen vegetables.  Additionally, organic vegetables were found to have lower total PFAS levels than their conventional counterparts.  While the impact of industrial manipulation on PFAS levels needs further investigation, the use of pesticides during cultivation could be a potential source of PFAS contamination.

In a related concern, a 2022 study found that many popular breakfast cereals marketed toward children contained alarmingly high levels of PFAS.  These man-made compounds have been linked to cancer, fertility issues, liver damage, and other serious health problems.  Shockingly, cereals with the highest PFAS levels included well-known brands such as Honey Bunches of Oats, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Chocolate Toasted Rice – foods that families generally consider safe.

Fast food burgers tainted with plastics

An investigation last year uncovered that burger patties served at major fast-food chains contained significant traces of industrial plastics from manufacturing equipment.  These plastic contaminants included polyethylene, polypropylene, and even polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Long-term exposure to these plastics has been associated with hormonal disruption, developmental issues, and other serious health problems.

Processed meats preserved with potential carcinogens

Bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and other cured and smoked meats are beloved by many households for their convenience and affordability.  However, a growing body of research indicates these processed meat products contain nitrites and nitrates that may increase the risk of colorectal and other cancers.

Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, placing them in the same category as tobacco smoking and asbestos in terms of cancer risk.

Soda’s cocktail of artificial colors and sweeteners

America’s addiction to sugary sodas shows no signs of waning despite mounting evidence of their negative health impacts.  In addition to huge amounts of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, many soda brands contain a toxic blend of artificial colors like Red 40 and Yellow 6 that have been linked to hyperactivity in children.  They also rely on artificial sweeteners like aspartame, which may increase cancer risk.

While convenient and inexpensive, the industrial food-like products pushed by Big Food are a toxic assault on the health of hard-working Americans.  From breakfast cereals to fast food burgers to lunchmeats and sodas, these ultra-processed items are overloaded with chemicals, plastics, added sugars, and other noxious ingredients.

It’s time for corporations to prioritize people over profits by cleaning up their product lines.  And it’s up to consumers to reject these toxic foods as much as possible in favor of organic, wholesome, minimally processed alternatives.  Make the move to support local (organic) farmers and start growing your own organic food.

The health of our families is at stake.

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