Former employee of Dr. Anthony Fauci jailed, tells all about stunning “PLANDEMIC” theory

(NaturalHealth365) Just a few months ago, if someone asked you who Dr. Fauci was, nobody would hold it against you for not being able to come up with an answer. But ever since the coronavirus pandemic took over the minds and headlines of the world, the American physician, immunologist, and long-standing director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (since 1984!) has become a household name.
Now, there may be another name soon added to the list: Judy Mikovits, PhD. Dr. Mikovits has made some jaw-dropping allegations about the NIAID director, COVID-19 and is a major character featured in a YouTube-censored documentary called PLANDEMIC.
Fact or fiction: Shocking claims from former research director at center of PLANDEMIC controversy
Before we get any further, we’re sharing an excerpt of the video PLANDEMIC here to view at your own discretion. As expected, the video was swiftly removed from YouTube within a few days after it was uploaded to the popular video-sharing platform.
It amassed over one million views within 24 hours:
She is the former research director of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) research organization Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) from 2006 to 2011. Reports also say she was a former colleague of Dr. Fauci who studied other conditions as well, including HIV/AIDS (the subject of her 1991 doctoral thesis) and cancer.
Here are some of her claims – and claims-to-fame:
- She alleges that Dr. Fauci, along with others at the NIAID, sabotaged her work investigating a potential cause of cancer, a rodent virus known as xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) – she goes so far as to imply that Dr. Fauci had a hand in the 2013 death of virologist Kuan-Teh Jeang, which she says was part of a cover-up to squelch her research.
- A 2009 paper she co-authored and published in the peer-reviewed journal Science – which explored the link between chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and XMRV – was later fully retracted. Interestingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says on their website that XMRV has been identified in patients with prostate cancer as early as 2006. The CDC also notes that XMRV is presumed to be able to be “transmitted through blood transfusion” and that “the safety of blood could be a concern if XMRV … is confirmed to cause human illness and disease.” Mikovits was fired from WPI after her paper was retracted.
- Dr. Mikovits was arrested in November 2011 and charged for allegedly stealing property from WPI, including laboratory notebooks and computer data. She was released five days later and not long after the charges were dropped. Many allege the arrest was nothing more than a thinly-veiled attempt to silence and intimidate her, since she has been a vocal critic of supposed government corruption related to vaccines.
- Regarding COVID-19, Dr. Mikovits is on record stating that she believes SARS-CoV-2 was manipulated within a laboratory setting. She bases her claims on what she says is evidence for “accelerated viral evolution” that could only have come from human intervention. According to Science, it is true that NIAID had been funding a U.S.-based group working with Wuhan lab, but that has funding has since been stopped.
- Dr. Mikovits also claims, along with others, that the COVID-19 pandemic was maliciously designed as a way to advance the agenda Big Pharma and vaccines researchers seeking to gain profit and launch mass immunization campaigns.
Dr. Mikovits is also the author of a bestselling book Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science, “a behind the scenes look at the issues and egos which will determine the future health of humanity.” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote the foreword for the book, which was co-authored by Kent Heckenlively.
No surprise: Mainstream media denounces documentary featuring Judy Mikovits, Mikovits’ entire career
According to mainstream media critics, virtually all of Mikovits’ statements are ‘untrue or overexagerrated.’ And claims made in PLANDEMIC film, in which Mikovits plays a central role, have been lambasted by the media as conspiratorial pseudoscience.
So, is she an intrepid truth-seeker or self-serving aggrandizer? Are there any legitimate kernels of truth in the claims that she and others make in the documentary?
Assuming the film doesn’t get deplatformed everywhere, it seems we have the opportunity to see for ourselves.
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