Improve your heart health with THIS surprisingly simple method

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heart-health-improved(NaturalHealth365)  The age-old adage “you are what you eat” is undoubtedly rooted in truth, as diet plays a pivotal role in health.  Coupled with regular exercise, a balanced (organic) diet has long been considered the dynamic duo of cardiovascular well-being.  But what if there was another, often underestimated, element in the quest for a healthier heart?

Findings from a recent study show that heightened self-awareness, cultivated through mindfulness, significantly influences our dietary choices and, consequently, the state of our cardiovascular system.  So, let’s explore this captivating connection between mindfulness and heart health.  Beyond the treadmill and salad bowl, there’s a path of self-discovery that may hold the key to a healthier, happier heart.

How mindfulness uplifts cardiovascular health

If you have a family history of heart problems or have had heart issues in the past, you might feel somewhat powerless.  But, as many holistic healthcare providers will say, we should not let our past define who we are or what we can become.  Intriguingly, recent findings from the aforementioned study published in JAMA Network Open suggest that we may hold more power over our heart health than we think.

Over eight weeks, this study delved into the profound impact of mindfulness on our overall well-being, particularly our cardiovascular health.  The results, quite simply, were remarkable.

What did the researchers find?  Self-awareness is pivotal in how we eat and whether we stay faithful to a heart-healthy diet.  Those who embrace mindfulness cultivate greater self-awareness, strengthening their ability to adhere to a heart-healthy eating regimen.

Master the art of mindfulness for a healthier heart

Mindfulness is a beautiful practice offering a host of life-enhancing benefits.  Here are some simple tips to help you get started and stay on track.

1.  Start with small steps

Kick off your mindfulness practice with a manageable commitment of at least five minutes daily.  Just like building a muscle, your mindfulness requires regular exercise to strengthen.  Each week, gradually extend the duration of your mindfulness sessions.

2.  Gradual progress

As you build your mindfulness “muscle,” aim to increase the duration of your sessions over time.  Work your way up to 20-minute mindfulness sessions, ideally five days a week.  It’s perfectly acceptable to enlist the support of a family member or a reminder device to help you stay on track, especially when you’re just starting.

3.  Create a tranquil environment

Select a quiet and comfortable space that allows you to maintain good posture.  Sit comfortably and close your eyes.  Focus your attention solely on the sensation of your breath.  Let go of intrusive thoughts, keeping your attention on the physical experience of breathing.

4.  Mindfulness beyond meditation

Remember that mindfulness isn’t limited to meditation alone.  Incorporate mindfulness into daily activities like walking, gardening, or savoring a meal.  Consider journaling to reflect on your experiences, express your feelings, and reduce stress.  To increase the effectiveness of this practice, visualize (very specifically) outcomes in your life.  In other words, see yourself with all the things you want in your life … great mental, emotional and physical health.  Feel what that’s like in the present tense for optimal results.

5.  Guided imagery

Explore guided imagery as a means of stress relief.  Guided imagery uses words or soothing music to create a positive and desired outcome.  It can shift your focus to specific sensory experiences, such as textures, sounds, or visuals, promoting relaxation.

Make an effort to practice mindfulness at the same time each day to establish a routine.  With time and dedication, mindfulness will become a natural and beneficial part of your daily life, promoting self-awareness and contributing to improved heart health.

Editor’s note: Find out how to naturally create a strong heart and cardiovascular system, own the Cardiovascular Docu-Class created by NaturalHealth365 Programs.

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