85 pesticides BANNED around the world, yet 25% of these toxic poisons get used by U.S. farmers

85 pesticides BANNED around the world, yet 25% of these toxic poisons get used by U.S. farmers

(NaturalHealth365) Truth be told: eating organic foods won’t guarantee that you’re avoiding the consumption of all pesticides. Pesticide residue can be found in the air we breathe and the water we drink.  And, thanks to ‘spray drift’ – pesticides are also contaminating organic foods, according to a study by the United States Department of Agriculture.

The U.S. is lagging behind other regions when it comes to banning the most harmful farming chemicals.  In fact, as recently as 2016, more than 390 million pounds of pesticides – banned or being phased out in the European Union, China and Brazil – were applied to U.S. agriculture.

U.S. agricultural regulations fail to protect us from pesticides

Although some people may find this hard to believe: the U.S. allows 72 agricultural pesticides – which are being phased out or banned in the European Union alone.  Instead of keeping up with the current trend of eliminating the most hazardous pesticides, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decreased the number of involuntary cancellations of these materials.  By the way, other countries are increasing forced cancellations.

Voluntary cancellations – cases where the maker of a pesticide decides on their own to no longer seek the necessary licensing and registration for a product – are on the rise according to scientific research.  That’s good news, but cancellations by manufacturers are more likely to be based on economic reasons, not to protect the health of humans or the environment.

Are pesticides more dangerous than you realize?

Regulations specify “safe” limits of pesticides as they are used in farming, but pesticides don’t only effect the crops they’re sprayed on. Fresh-water shrimp in Britain have been found to contain pesticides in addition to a long and nauseating list of other pollutants. Once airborne, the chemicals drift into our yards and home gardens and our water sources – including the oceans.

There is no data to confirm how much collateral pesticide the average American is exposed to or what the effects of long-term exposure might be.

Action steps: Protect yourself from unwanted exposure to pesticides

Eating organic foods is a good start to avoid pesticides.  But, because pesticide residue is found in organic foods, it’s not the only solution.  In addition to eating the healthiest food available, there are other steps you can take to naturally cleanse your body of pesticides.

  • Drink plenty of pure water. Proper hydration keeps your immune system working and helps with the elimination of pesticides and other toxins.
  • Take care of your body’s purification system, the liver. Dandelion-root tea, dandelion greens, red beets, unsweetened cranberry juice and artichokes are some items recommended for liver cleansing.
  • Use an air purifier. You can’t control the air quality outdoors, but an air purify can significantly improve the air inside your home or office.
  • Get involved. Talk to your representative or a community organizer about pesticide use in your area. The best way to make sure pesticides aren’t contaminating food and other resources is to eliminate or reduce their use.
  • If you can’t always find organic produce, at least avoid the “dirty dozen” list of most heavily sprayed products.

Don’t forget to shop local. Buying fresh food at farmers markets is a great way to get to know local growers and learn what the local farming community is doing to avoid pesticide use and contamination.

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