Urgent: 25% of pregnant women at risk of omega-3 deficiency
(NaturalHealth365) Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to a healthy diet and provide … Urgent: 25% of pregnant women at risk of omega-3 deficiency
(NaturalHealth365) Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to a healthy diet and provide … Urgent: 25% of pregnant women at risk of omega-3 deficiency
(NaturalHealth365) A study from the Midwest Biomedical Research’s Center for Metabolic and … Heart disease and cardiac death risk REDUCED with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids, study reveals
(NaturalHealth365) No doubt, the healthiest meat and dairy products produced are grass … Grass fed cows produce milk with HIGHER levels of omega-3, research reveals
(NaturalHealth365) Awareness about the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids has risen … Omega-3 supplements provide potent anti-inflammatory effects, study shows
(NaturalHealth365) A recent meta-analysis of nearly 900,000 people has added even more … Study confirms: Omega-3 consumption decreases the risk of heart disease
(NaturalHealth365) A new Japanese study has found a significant correlation between depression … Strong link between low omega-3 blood levels and depression
(NaturalHealth365) Are you getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet? A … Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent cancer and improve survival rates
(NaturalHealth365) Omega-3 fatty acids offer a panacea of health benefits, as do … Study shows: Organic milk and meat contain 50% more omega-3 fatty acids
(NaturalHealth365) Most people “get it” that eating candy and highly processed food … Junk food WARNING: Eating processed food does ‘CRAZY’ things to your cancer risk
(NaturalHealth365) Have you ever wondered if too much bed rest can actually … Shocking reality: How physical inactivity can cause back pain
(NaturalHealth365) Which came first, the chicken or the egg? These days, this … Eggs EXPOSED: The difference between pasture-raised, free-range and cage free
(NaturalHealth365) With rates of obesity and type 2 diabetes continuing to soar, … Natural strategies to prevent NAFLD and support liver health
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