REVEALED: What 4 brain disorders have in common

REVEALED: What 4 brain disorders have in common
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(Naturalhealth365) What do brain disorders like autism, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s have in common? New research reveals a shocking link.

Caring for a loved one with any of these “incurable” brain abnormalities can be heart-wrenching. Whether it’s a parent who can’t remember their child or a child unable to communicate their emotions with a parent, brain disorders have a considerable effect on families and their communities.

Conventionally speaking, the qualities that Alzheimer’s, autism, and Parkinson’s have in common are that they are “incurable,” and little research can prove a direct cause and effect for them (yet).  But now, new evidence unveils one thing that they all have in common.

This breaking discovery could redirect the studies into brain disorders that cause debilitating strain on many American families.

New link associated with the rising rate of brain disorders

Research published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology has discovered a gut-brain link in four common brain disorders. Autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s all have altered mucus properties, which could be a contributing factor to the observations of microbial dysbiosis – the bacterial overgrowth that can cause digestive disturbances.

The mucosal membrane research observed different altered bacteria based on the neurological condition of the patient. The common theme between each case was the high number of alterations to their mucous membranes compared to brain-healthy patients.

These changes caused significant enough disturbances to force the intestinal mucosal membranes out of homeostasis. Our gut bacteria feeds off our mucous membranes, it’s probable that there is also a link between gut health and brain disorders.

Furthermore, the patients with neurological disorders also commonly presented with bowel diseases. Likely, another unmistakable link between the disorders and gut health.

This is an exciting turn for so-called “incurable” neurological conditions.  The review concludes, “this review highlights that mucus properties could be impaired in neurological disease and provides new avenues for clinically relevant research into GI dysfunction in these disorders.”

Although the altered bacterial species in each brain-disease varied slightly, one fact is clear.  The mucous that our gut microbiome feeds on is thrown off balance in people with neurological disorders.

Gut research is arguably one of the most rapidly moving research fields in recent years. New studies have validated the common phenomenon “gut feeling.” Many scientists are now referring to the gut as the “second brain.”

This research unveiling the link between neurological disorders and altered intestinal membranes will come of little surprise to many.

Important “next step” to protect your health

But what does this all mean for us right now? Is it possible to start building a healthy mucous membrane to prevent carrying a child that develops autism?

Should we start doubling down on ribroflavin (vitamin B2) to stop the onset of Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s?  Not quite, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.

The link between brain disorders and the changes they make to mucous membranes is undeniable.  Unfortunately, no investments in research into natural preventative measures have been prioritized yet.

Armed with this new science-back information, here are the proven methods that you can take to build healthy intestinal membranes today:

  • Increase your vitamin C intake
  • Increase your vitamin D intake
  • Add riboflavin (vitamin B2) to your diet
  • Increase intake of the amino acid glutamine-rich foods
  • Add more vitamin A to your diet

Patients with a variety of neurological disorders all had one key element in common.  Changes in their mucous membranes alter the balance of intestinal homeostasis.

Make sure yours doesn’t tip out of balance by increasing your vitamin and amino acid intake.

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