Breaking News: Fertility crisis linked to popular breakfast favorites

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breakfast-cereals(NaturalHealth365)  In a world where we place unwavering trust in our favorite brands, the sobering reality may leave us questioning our morning rituals.

A recent study published in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology has found a troubling connection between everyday breakfast favorites and dwindling fertility rates.  Yes, you read that right – beloved cereals like Cheerios and Quaker Oats are now under scrutiny for harboring chemicals that undermine our ability to conceive.

Exposing the dangers of chlormequat in our food supply

Chlormequat has been in use since the early 1960s as a plant growth regulator.  Nowadays, the chemical is added to foods imported into the country, including widely consumed grains.  The logic in allowing the use of the chemical is to help lower plant stem heights to decrease the chances of crops tilting to the point that collecting them for use in food products is difficult.

Chlormequat reproductive toxicity analyses reveal the chemical delays the start of puberty, decreases the potency of sperm, and even lowers testosterone levels.  Moreover, developmental toxicity analyses also suggest chlormequat exposure while pregnant compromises the regulation of fetal growth.

Study found 90% of Americans exposed to THIS harmful chemical in 2023

The pilot study linked above analyzed the use of chlormequat chloride in food and adult urine.  The study took place between 2017 and 2023, highlighting the impact of chlormequat chloride on grain crops throughout the continent.

Toxicology analysis reveals chlormequat exposure decreases fertility while simultaneously hindering fetus development.  The worst part is the damage can be caused by doses lower than those allowed by regulatory agencies.

Check out the stats from the study, and you’ll be in for a shock.  Urine samples collected from folks in the United States showed:

  • 90% in 2023
  • 74% between 2018 and 2022
  • 69% in 2017

These numbers paint a clear picture: chlormequat chloride levels have been steadily climbing.  And guess where it’s popping up most?  Yep, in oat-based foods like Quaker Oats oatmeal, where it’s hitting particularly high levels.

The findings detailed above are even more alarming as more details about the toxicity of chlormequat chloride are revealed.  However, food-makers and government bureaucrats have been slow to expand toxicity testing as there is money to be made through food sales and political campaign contributions.

Tips to reduce your exposure to chlormequat

It is no secret that the powers that be are attempting to depopulate the planet through a variety of means.  Power brokers are well aware that chlormequat exposure caused swine fertility rates to plummet in the early 1980s.  The same phenomenon is now occurring with humans.

Aside from reaching out to lawmakers to make it clear you support the ban of chlormequat on all food products sold in the United States, you can also replace your morning cereal with a healthier breakfast alternative.

Swap out those potentially harmful cereals for a wholesome, organic alternative that’s bursting with nutrition.  Instead of reaching for Cheerios or Quaker Oats, why not opt for a crisp, organic apple, a juicy pear, or a bowl of fresh berries with organic Greek yogurt?

The main point here is to choose wisely.  Organic whole foods are not only free from harmful chemicals but also packed with essential nutrients to fuel your body and support your reproductive health.

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