NH365 027: Cancer success – A doctor’s recovery story

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Imagine your family being told you “may not wake up in the morning” – because of a failed attempt to remove cancer from your brain. As if that isn’t enough, you actually do wake up and are told that you have bone marrow cancer that spread to your brain and there is no cure. What would you do?

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, you’ll hear from Dr. Majors, a physician with an incredible story of natural healing. Hopefully, this program will help you – or a family member – avoid the pain and suffering that Dr. Majors had to experience. The main message of this show: You CAN reverse chronic disease conditions – even stage-IV cancer.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Dr. Charles Majors – visit: BeACancerKiller.com

2. To find Dr. Charles Majors on Facebook – visit: Facebook.com/BeACancerKiller

3. Subscribe to the NaturalHealth365 newsletter to receive lots of great health gifts + the latest news and information on natural health solutions.

Every cancer patient needs to hear this natural healing story

Conventionally speaking, most cancer are simply told that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the ‘only options’ available. But, this is simply not true. Dr. Majors was given a very poor prognosis and told that life would end soon. Now, over 4 years later, he remains living proof that natural therapies can and do help cancer patients to thrive.

What will you learn in this program? Check out the show highlights below:

  • Dr. Majors describes what it was like for him – when he was first diagnosed with stage-IV cancer.
  • Learn how to solve a so-called ‘fatal diagnosis’ – in just a short period of time.
  • Learn about the importance of medical testing and which ones are the best for cancer patients.
  • Find out why some treatments work and others fail.
  • You’ll be much less confused about cancer diets – after listening to this portion of the show.
  • The show ends with an amazing overview about the value of oxidative therapies.
  • If you’re a healthcare provider – take time to hear this show, because it’s loaded with valuable information.

What does it mean to be a ‘cancer killer’?

Dr. Majors wrote an entire book on the subject of cancer called, “The Cancer Killers: The Cause is the Cure”. According to Dr. Majors and his co-authors Dr. Lerner and Sayer Ji – this book will help cancer patients:

”Discover the method and mindset to not just prevent it or survive it, but to kill it. Step-by-step suggestions for those diagnosed with cancer who recognize that the medical approach is far from a foolproof plan to get well.”

”Learn critical nutrition, fitness and detoxification advice essential to confront any and all diseases in the “modern” world.”

Is your food or lifestyle creating cancer?  Find out how to make simple, yet significant changes in your life to help prevent, even reverse cancer.  The truth is that toxic burdens and nutritional deficiencies are the root cause of disease.  Find out how to fix these problems – before it’s too late.

Enjoy the show!

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