Rhodiola helps to fight fatigue, reduce stress and improve your mood

Rhodiola helps to fight fatigue, reduce stress and improve your mood
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(NaturalHealth365) It’s official: “Burnout” – the feeling of being exhausted, frustrated and overwhelmed in your life – is a real health problem that should not be ignored.  So, today, we’ll show you how rhodiola can help – fast!

For the first time ever, the World Health Organization has added “burnout syndrome” to its International Classification of Diseases – and some experts estimate that the condition may affect up to 70 percent of all working people.  But when it comes to addressing burnout, Western medicine falls short (to say the least) – offering only limited treatment options, and no acknowledged cure.

Fortunately, recent studies showcase the potential of the ancient Arctic herb rhodiola to act against burnout.

Reduced professional function, feelings of exhaustion and a negative or cynical attitude towards the job are all indicators of burnout.  Chronic workplace stress that hasn’t been properly managed is at the root of burnout – making stress reduction the first order of business in treating the condition.

Rhodiola rapidly improved symptoms of burnout – including depression and anxiety, study says

Rhodiola rosea, also known as golden root, has long been valued in traditional Asian and Ayurvedic healing systems for its effects against fatigue, lethargy, anxiety and depression.

But can rhodiola’s therapeutic effects be confirmed by scientific research?

It turns out, we have the answer.  In an exploratory clinical trial published in Neuropsychiatric Diseases and Treatment, 68 participants were given 400 mg of rhodiola a day in divided doses for three months.

At the beginning of the study the researchers evaluated the subjects using language and sleep quality tests – as well as the Burnout Screening Scale, which measures levels of sadness, tension, loss of interest and guilt.

The effects of rhodiola were swift, dramatic and simple.  Simply put, people felt better.

The team noted that rhodiola boosted psychological well-being, promoted more restful sleep and caused rapid, significant improvement in all measures of fatigue and burnout – including overall stress levels, fatigue, irritability, anxiety and depression.

Rhodiola also brought about a distinct improvement in high-level cognition and decision making, and seemed to promote a calm, alert state of mind. Participants also reported increased frequency of sexual activity and increased overall satisfaction with sex life.

The researchers reported that improvements occurred during the very first week, and continued to increase for the duration of the study.  Calling the results “encouraging,” the team urged further clinical trials of rhodiola.

Additional studies confirm: You can naturally reduce your stress symptoms with the help of herbal medicine

Human and animal studies alike have shown that rhodiola can improve symptoms of fatigue, enhance physical performance, reduce anxiety, sharpen cognition and boost mood.

In a separate study published in Phytotherapy Research, 100 participants were given 200 mg of rhodiola extract twice a day for four weeks.  The scientists noted that all tests showed “clinically relevant improvements” in regard to stress symptoms, disability, functional impairment and overall therapeutic effect.

The participants all reported some measure of relief from their symptoms of burnout and fatigue, and an astonishing 83 percent reported they were either “much improved” or “very much improved.”  Note: fatigue is generally defined as a feeling of tiredness – accompanied by lowered energy and motivation – that is not caused by lack of sleep and is not relieved by rest.

And, rhodiola acted quickly – with notable improvement of burnout symptoms occurring within three days.  No adverse effects were reported, leading the team to conclude that rhodiola was both safe and effective in improving life-stress symptoms.

Herb medicine proves to have a positive effect on free radicals and inflammation

Due to its various constituents, rhodiola is a natural choice for stress relief.

Natural healers have long recognized rhodiola as an adaptogen – a substance that helps the body cope with, and adapt to, physical, psychological and oxidative stress.  Of course, ashwaganda and Siberian ginseng are two other examples of adaptogens.

Rhodiola helps to regulate and balance amounts of cortisol (the “stress” hormone) while increasing levels of a stress-resisting protein called Hsp70.  In addition, rhodiola extracts contain rosavin and rosarin – a pair of polyphenols unique to rhodiola with powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Finally, rhodiola increase the synthesis of ATP – vital to cellular energy – while promoting the activity of mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

How, and why, should I take rhodiola?

Forward-thinking integrative doctors are increasingly advising rhodiola for adrenal fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ADD, ADHD and depression.  Rhodiola, which has fat-burning effects, is also sometimes advised to support weight loss and reduce unhealthy abdominal fat.

As a supplement, it’s available in tablets and capsule form.  And, integrative healthcare providers may advise taking 400 mg a day in divided dosages, with 200 mg 15 minutes before breakfast and another 200 mg 15 minutes before lunch.

Look for a formulation standardized to at least 3 percent rosavins.  And, for maximum benefit, take rhodiola with black pepper to promote absorption.  You may even want to try a tea.

All of this is generally recognized as safe, but you should first discuss any change to your supplement routine with your doctor – to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

Simply put, rhodiola is a remarkable herb that can not only help banish symptoms of burnout, but do so without the dangerous side effects and addiction risk that can accompany pharmaceutical anti-anxiety drugs. If you suffer from burnout syndrome, consider enlisting rhodiola for some much needed help.

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