Glyphosate weed killer found in coffee beans, more reasons to buy organic

Glyphosate weed killer found in coffee beans, more reasons to buy organic

(NaturalHealth365) For years, serious concerns have been brought to light concerning glyphosate, the main substance used in Roundup weed killer. For many years, it’s been the most widely used herbicide worldwide, but studies have continued to show it’s way more dangerous than most people can imagine.

In fact, early this year, a meta-analysis showed that exposure to glyphosate increases cancer risk, despite the EPA’s current stance that the chemical is “not likely” to cause cancer in humans.

In the past 30 years, glyphosate residue has continued to increase in our food supply, and at increasingly higher levels.  Not to mention the damaging effects of bioaccumulation within the body.

Processed foods, wines, oatmeal, wheat, popcorn, sugar, and soy have all tested positive for the presence of this weed killer. Now, it turns out that it’s even being found in coffee beans.  Recent tests found that beans produced in certain countries had high levels of glyphosate weed killer, and no one wants to increase their cancer risk when they enjoy a morning cup of Joe.

Glyphosate alert: Nestle requires additional testing for beans shipped to some countries

As a result of the new tests showing levels of glyphosate close to regulatory limits, Nestle is stepping in and informing suppliers of some Brazilian beans and Indonesian beans that it will be increasing the checks on the beans it purchases. The additional testing will likely be in effect until these countries reduce or eliminate glyphosate application, and many countries have already banned or are working to prohibit the use of this weed killer.

Nestle’s additional testing requirement is mainly for coffee beans that are being shipped to factories in Malaysia, Europe, and Australia – all countries where they have a strict legal limit on the amount of glyphosate allowed. According to Nestle, they’re currently working with their growers to reduce the need for this weed killer, continuing to improve weed management practices to minimize the use of glyphosate.

The case for buying organic has never been more clear

It’s important to note that the United States is noticeably missing in the news about additional testing for beans. Currently, it doesn’t appear that this testing applies to beans being shipped to the USA since glyphosate limits are not as strict here as they are elsewhere in the world. With the knowledge that glyphosate is being found in coffee beans, it may be time to consider buying organic coffee beans.

We already know that glyphosate is linked to the increased risk of cancer, and that’s not all.  The weed killer glyphosate has also been linked to:

  • A higher risk of chronic kidney disease
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Liver disease
  • Adverse effects on gut bacteria
  • Unfavorable birth outcomes
  • Heart disease

Why take a chance with your coffee?  Once again, it’s a reminder that going organic – whether it’s organic fruits and veggies or organic coffee beans – is well worth a small increase in price.  After all, it’s your health that’s at stake.

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