School age kids in jeopardy: Toxic indoor air is causing major problems

School age kids in jeopardy: Toxic indoor air is causing major problems
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(NaturalHealth365) When you send your child to school, you’re sending them to be educated. You expect your kids to enjoy time with friends, improve their social skills, and get a good education.  But, too many parents have been uneducated about the dangers of indoor pollution and how this can affect the learning ability of our kids.

Simply put, our kids are being exposed to dangerous levels of toxic pollutants when they head off to school.  And, just about every school does little to protect children from these toxins.

According to a study published in Environmental Science & Technology, the air in certain classrooms could contain higher levels of tiny pollutants than the polluted air outdoors.  Unfortunately, children have a high risk of being negatively impacted by both outdoor and indoor pollution.  In fact, recent studies suggest that that toxic air at school could be affecting your child’s grades, and not for the better.

Indoor pollution can create chronic inflammation which affects concentration and memory

Scientists have looked at the levels of indoor pollution in classrooms across the world, including the United States, Europe, and Australia. In many cases, analysis has shown that schoolchildren are being poisoned by toxic pollutants inside the classroom each day.

In Britain alone, it was estimated that around 6,500 secondary, primary, and nursery schools were in areas where the levels of toxic indoor particles exceeded the recommended limit of the World Health Organization.

Those fine indoor particles are the most dangerous type of indoor pollution and can easily get into the bloodstream and lungs. Their tiny size means that they can penetrate deep into the throat and lungs resulting in health issues.

Just a few potential problems associated with indoor pollution, and these tiny particles include obesity and poor IQ and memory among children. In fact, the effect of indoor pollution on could be responsible for poorer grades.

Time to fix the problem: Air filters offer a solution

What’s the solution for our kids in school – and even for our homes? Air filters!

A recent study showed that by adding air filters to the classroom and improving air quality by filtering out toxic pollutants, school performance improved. The study found that when air filters were installed, students saw a 0.18 increase in English scores and a 0.20 increase in overall math scores.

This study shows the use of air filters as a way to raise student achievement while also protecting them from the adverse health effects that come with indoor pollution.

Of course, indoor pollution isn’t just an issue at school – it may be an issue in your home, as well. All indoor spaces can house industrially-created chemicals, mold, chemicals, and dust.

Reducing indoor air pollution at home is just as important as it is at school for the sake of your children’s health and your own. Improving ventilation helps, as does using quality HEPA air filters with an air purification system in your home.

It’ll keep the indoor air cleaner, reducing the risk of health problems and even memory issues that are associated with indoor toxic pollutants.  Of course, when it comes to the overall health of our kids, let’s not forget the importance of eating a healthy diet and physical activity.

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