Want to protect yourself from a deadly heart attack? Eat more heart healthy nuts, research says

Want to protect yourself from a deadly heart attack? Eat more heart healthy nuts, research says
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(NaturalHealth365) The data is in: you can’t make a cookbook full of heart healthy recipes without including nuts.  In fact, eating raw nuts have long been recognized as a smart way to reduce the risk of a heart attack – due to the healthy fats, protein, minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and fiber found inside.

But, now, recent research reveals the power of this plant-based nutrition.

And, to state the obvious, everyone will benefit from this news, especially those with a family history of heart disease – a condition that’s responsible for 1 in 4 annual deaths in U.S. (alone), according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Eating nuts – just twice a week – significantly lowers the risk of a fatal heart attack, says a team of researchers

Did you know that every 40 seconds, someone in the United States suffers a heart attack?

This shocking statistic is caused by many factors related to lifestyle, genetics and our environment.  But, by adding nuts to the diet, Americans are poised to decrease heart disease’s impact on the health of an entire nation.

A new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2019 (in conjunction with the World Congress of Cardiology), found that people who eat nuts at least twice week were 17% less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack.  This is based on food frequency questionnaire data obtained from over 5,600 participants over the course of 12 years.

The researchers found this significant and beneficial correlation between nut consumption and reduced heart attack risk to be “robust,” even after they adjusted for other factors that could influence their findings, including  “age, sex, education, smoking, and physical activity.”

How much is enough?  The European Society of Cardiology recommends 30 grams of unsalted nuts (e.g. 20 almonds) per day.  One word to the wise: nuts tend to calorie dense.  For example, just 8 walnuts or 10 macadamia nuts contain about 200 calories each.

In other words, don’t overdo it on nut snacking, because this could lead to excessive caloric intake.  In addition, you may consider eating sprouted nuts – for its added health benefits.

Other research-backed ways to reduce your risk of cardiovascular problems

Without question, high quality (organic) nuts should be a staple in (almost) everyone’s diet.  Naturally, there’s always an exception to the rule.

Having said that, choose nuts that aren’t covered in sugary additives or roasted in unhealthy oils.  Organic Brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, pistachios and pine nuts are among the top picks.

As for ways to eat them, try sprinkling them on salads, making a homemade trail mix, topping them on chicken or fish, or simply enjoying them by the handful.

And if you’re allergic to nuts or simply don’t enjoy them, there are still plenty of other things you can do to protect your health and keep your heart strong:

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