6 Ways to Detoxify Your Home

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No doubt, having a clean home – minimizing your exposure to toxins – is a great way way to kickstart a healthy life.  In this video, Jonathan Landsman, creator of NaturalHealth365 and Dr. Edward Group talk about 6 ways to detoxify your home.

It all begins inside the bedroom.  Most people spend hours – every day – inside the bedroom.  And, if we’re not careful, we can expose ourselves to many toxins that increase the risk of disease.

Discover the greatest sources of toxins inside your home

The next area that needs our attention is the kitchen.  Beyond the food that’s in our refrigerator, we also have to consider the type of cookware we’re using.

Another source of toxicity can be the food storage containers we use.  As you watch this video, we’ll supply you with some great tips on how to reduce your exposure to unwanted chemicals.

There are many other areas of the home that need to get cleaned up

After dealing with the bedroom and kitchen, the bathroom is a very important area of the home to clean up.  There are literally hundreds of cancer-causing chemicals in too many personal care products.

Read those labels: Hairsprays, perfumes, toothpaste, body soaps plus so many other products can be loaded with toxins that get absorbed through our skin – right into the body.

In addition, we’ll reveals the importance of cleaning up your indoor air space, your drinking water plus so much more.  Don’t miss this lifesaving information.

Bottom line: if you’re looking to reduce your risk of disease – this video will prove to be a valuable guide about how to create a healthier home environment.

For more information about how to live a healthier life, be sure to use the “search box” on NaturalHealth365 for additional ideas.  And, to learn more about Dr. Group, visit: GlobalHealingCenter.com

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