Whole Foods bottled water contains more arsenic than tap water

(NaturalHealth365) On the surface, it would appear to be reasonable to assume that bottled water is ‘safer and healthier’ than water from the tap. It certainly costs more, and it’s fair to expect at least some of that money goes into making sure each bottle if filled with pure, clean hydration. Unfortunately, some bottled water, including the Whole Foods Starkey brand, contains high levels of arsenic.
After a review of hundreds of test reports and public records, Consumer Reports discovered that several popular brands of water have arsenic levels at or above 3 parts per billion. Amounts above 3 ppb are considered potentially dangerous if consumed over time.
The dangers of arsenic poisoning
There are two types of naturally occurring arsenic: inorganic and organic. Both types are frequently found in groundwater, but only inorganic arsenic is considered toxic to humans.
In large doses, the symptoms of arsenic poisoning are severe and can be felt within as little as 30 minutes. They include confusion, headache, sudden drowsiness, convulsions, vomiting and even seizures, coma or death.
Exposure to unsafe levels of arsenic through drinking water creates a higher risk for reproductive harm, cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders and cancer. Long-term exposure to levels considered safe (lower than toxic) can lead to disorders and changes in the skin such as swelling, discoloration and hyperkeratosis. Brain development, as well as kidney and liver function, can also be affected.
Whole Foods and Keurig brands of bottled water contain high levels of arsenic
The research conducted by Consumer Reports found that Whole Foods Starkey and Keurig/Dr. Pepper’s Peñafiel both contain levels of arsenic that violate state guidelines. In fact, arsenic levels were nearly double the federal limit in both brands.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not mandated a recall for either brand. But, on June 21, 2019, Keurig Dr. Pepper announced it would voluntarily remove bottles from the shelf. The company also upgraded the filtration systems where Peñafiel is produced.
Make sure your drinking water is safe
No doubt, the tragedy of Flint, Michigan left many people wondering about the safety of tap water – especially in the United States. But, just because a brand is “bottled” doesn’t make is ‘safer.’
So, the bottom line is: we, as conscious consumers, must make every effort to ensure that our water is clean and safe to drink.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Plumbing pipes installed before 1986 may contain lead. Have your water tested if you have concerns.
- Remember, you are responsible for testing your own water – even if you are drinking your water from a well or “spring water” source. Your state health department can help you find a certified laboratory for annual testing.
- Use a water filtration system such as the Berkey Water Filter to remove toxins from drinking water. And, remember to maintain your filtration system according to the manufacturer’s directions.
- Read all labels on bottled water even if you’ve purchased the brand before. But, honestly, most brands of bottled water are not really good quality.
For more information on clean drinking water, visit the EPA’s Ground and Drinking Water page.
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