How dental amalgam fillings destroy gut health and cause heart disease

How dental amalgam fillings destroy gut health and cause heart disease
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(NaturalHealth365) Mercury – a neurotoxic heavy metal – is so dangerous that the World Health Organization says there is no safe level for exposure. Yet over 180 million Americans currently have restored teeth, many with dental amalgam fillings – which can contain up 50 percent mercury.

Mercury-based, dental fillings have been linked to neurological problems, infertility, birth defects and heart disease. According to natural health experts, you can now add “leaky gut” syndrome – as well as a host of other gastrointestinal diseases – to the ills that can be triggered by exposure to mercury.

The American Dental Association is WRONG about dental amalgam fillings

While amalgam fillings must be handled and disposed of as a “toxic substance” – with a removal protocol involving high-volume air filtration, protective garb and the use of an amalgam separator – the American Dental Association seems to have no qualms about the safety of mercury in people’s mouths.

The ADA position is that mercury binds with other metals in the amalgam, rendering it safe. {this is absurd!}

In reality, many biological dentists, dedicated to helping their patients go mercury-free, insist that mercury heats up on contact with warm foods and beverages in the mouth, releasing toxic vapors that are then inhaled by the lungs.

Mercury-based silver fillings causes systemic harm

Mercury aggressively binds with sulfur groups in the body – compounds that are essential for biochemical processes, particularly the function of enzymes and the production of important antioxidants such as glutathione.  Mercury exposure also raises blood levels of homocysteine, a molecule associated with heart disease.

In addition, mercury causes an increase of pro-inflammatory cytokines, interferes with intestinal nutrient transport, and depletes existing stores of essential antioxidants that would otherwise be destroying damaging free radicals in the body.

In addition to the general overall harm mercury exposure causes to the body, it can also play a significant role in triggering leaky gut syndrome.

What should we care about ‘leaky gut syndrome?’

Also known as increased intestinal hyperpermeability, leaky gut syndrome is a condition in which toxins and other undesirable substances leak from the intestine into the bloodstream.

Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, excessive gas and bloating. Leaky gut can also cause “brain fog,” memory lapses and anxiety, as well as joint and muscle pain, fatigue and poor overall immunity.

How does mercury contribute to leaky gut?

Natural health experts maintain that mercury destroys epithelial cells in the stomach and intestine, damaging the stomach lining and causing tiny holes in the gut lining. And research appears to bear this out – in a laboratory study of human intestinal cells published in Cell Biology and Toxicology, the team concluded that mercury can alter cell membrane permeability.

Because of this increased permeability, undigested proteins, food particles, toxins and pathogens – including the Candida yeast fungus and the H. pylori bacteria – can pass through the intestinal membranes and directly into the bloodstream, provoking an autoimmune response.

Another way mercury triggers leaky gut is by causing mutations to “friendly” intestinal bacteria – disrupting the gut flora and causing dysbiosis – a condition in which the balance of beneficial and undesirable bacteria is disrupted.

Unsurprisingly, mercury fillings have been linked not only with leaky gut, but a host of other digestive diseases – including ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease. Dental fillings can also trigger or worsen food allergies and sensitivities.

Are YOU mercury toxic?

If you have any of the gastrointestinal conditions listed above, if your immune system is depleted, or if you suffer from multiple allergies, you may be suffering from mercury exposure.

Many biological dentists believe that if you have – or have ever had – mercury-based silver fillings, you are mercury toxic to some degree.

The good news is that removal and replacement of mercury fillings – along with a program of metal detoxification – can significantly improve gastrointestinal health and leaky gut syndrome.  But, remember, it is so important to choose the right dentist (well-trained) to properly remove these toxic fillings from your mouth.

Editor’s note: 80 percent of all disease symptoms are caused by problems in the mouth.  Get INSTANT access to the Holistic Oral Health Summit and discover the best ways to safely remove mercury-based, silver fillings from your mouth plus much more!  Click here to order today.


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