Learn how antacids threaten gut health

Learn how antacids threaten gut health
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(NaturalHealth365) For the estimated 24 million plus Americans that pop a daily antacid, this acid-blocking action could spell big trouble for gut health.  For example, researchers from the University Medical Center Groningen and Maastricht University Medical Center show that people who regularly consume proton pump inhibitors have an increased risk of intestinal infections.

Keep in mind, when your gut health gets diminished … you’re at a greater risk of immune-related health problems like, autoimmune disorders, pneumonia plus many forms of cancer.

In addition, many studies have confirmed what we already know – that decreased gut diversity also leads to key vitamin deficiencies such as vitamin B12 and magnesium while increasing risk of osteoporosis-related bone fracture. With people using antacids into their senior years, it should come as no surprise that a fracture related to falling is so common.

How does the epigenetic landscape influence gut health?

A healthy digestive system is shaped by what we expose ourselves to – food, water, drink, pollution, pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements all influence how diverse our gut microbiome will be and therefore our epigenetic landscape.

For people choosing to use proton pump inhibitors to block acid rather than adjusting the diet, you’ll run the risk of potential food allergies and pervasive environmental stress – which will increase the risk for over-colonization within the small intestine of unfavorable bacteria.

Antacids, too much gluten and gliadin proteins are not a favorable combination for many people suffering with digestive-related issues.

If you are experiencing a sensitivity to gluten unknowingly, exposing the cilia in your small intestine to these often inflammation-causing proteins could be contributing to not only your altered digestive functioning, but also compromised gut microbiome health and frontline immunity.

Because a healthy digestive system relies on a robust mucosal lining to maintain optimized immunity, inflammation causing proteins can cause tissue permeability – aka ‘leaky gut.’  If the next step is prescription of an antacid with an already compromised mucosal lining, the potential to develop an infection only increases when tissue permeability exists.

Note: If you’ve proposed being tested for leaky gut to your healthcare provider and they aren’t familiar, either ask for a “tissue permeability test” or find an integrative healthcare provider with experience in proper testing procedures.

Good scientific research looks promising in the years ahead

The International Human Microbiome Project aims to research the positive influence diet and probiotic therapy exert on improving overall gut health and its implications on everyday human wellness. The goal of the project is to shift treatment focus for all practitioners from symptomatic treatment to the ability of practitioners to discern individual microbiological factors to avoid the need for antacid or any other pharmaceutical substance.

Something we should never forget is that food matters.

Plus, as a reminder during busy times in our life – slow down.  Simply put, how we eat matters for gut health.

To dramatically improve digestion and overall wellbeing, consider the importance of creating a relaxing space for you and your family to enjoy mealtimes. For example, take a few deep breaths before eating your first bite of food to shift your nervous system away from sympathetic mode to a more peaceful parasympathetic state.

Mindful eating and thoroughly chewing every bite of food will go a long way toward improving your health.

About the author: Christine M. Dionese L.Ac, MSTOM is an integrative health expert, medical journalist and food writer. She’s dedicated her career to helping others understand the science of happiness and its powerful effects on everyday human health. Christine practices, writes and speaks on environmental functional medicine, personalized medicine and epigenetics, food science and sustainable living.

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