Solving cancer – An integrative approach that outperforms chemotherapy and radiation

Solving cancer – An integrative approach that outperforms chemotherapy and radiation
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(NaturalHealth365) By the end of 2016, over 1,600,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.  Many of these people will be exposed to the unwanted side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.  The American Cancer Society adds that 595,690 people will lose their battle with this disease – despite the best efforts of Western medicine. (it’s time to change this deadly trend)

Let’s face it: Conventional medicine has no cure and the existing treatments – radiotherapy and chemotherapy – merely bombard the body with so many poisons that the immune system eventually loses its ability to destroy cancer cells, setting the stage for the development of secondary cancers. But, there is a way to reverse this sickening trend and regain optimal health – without destroying the immune system.

On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Charles Gant will detail the many true causes of cancer and reveal an effective and non-toxic (integrative) approach for treating cancer – which is much safer than the poisonous regimens favored by Western medicine. If you’re a healthcare provider or cancer patient – do not miss this program filled with lifesaving information.

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A body under siege: Chemotherapy is filled with cancer-causing toxins

According to Dr, Gant, everyone “has cancer” to some extent. Cancer cells normally exist in the human body – and are only a problem when they begin to reproduce faster than the immune system can destroy them. Chemotherapy will only encourage cancer cell growth. (as you’ll soon see)

It’s important to understand that external and internal toxins alike contribute to the development of cancer.  Toxins from the environment – such as heavy metals, pollutants, pesticides and herbicides – and toxins from within – including parasites, pathogens and cancer treatments like chemotherapy – can all harm the immune system and damage cells, particularly the part of the DNA which tells the cell to stop dividing.

Of course, we can’t forget the issue of nutritional deficiencies – which can also increase the risk of cancer. Even chronic emotional stress can play a huge role in depleting the body of nutrients and increasing the risk of disease.

The genetic risk for cancer remains unexamined by most conventionally-trained physicians

Complicating the cancer picture is the presence, in some individuals, of certain genetic vulnerabilities, or oncogenes – rogue genes that make people even more vulnerable to damaging toxin injuries and nutritional deficiencies.

Whatever the cause (or causes), the result is the same – a damaged immune system overwhelmed by cancer cells forming so quickly that the body can’t destroy them.  On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Dr. Gant will share his strategies for relieving the immune system of many of its burdens, thus “lightening the load” so that it can concentrate on killing cancer cells.

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This week’s guest: Charles Gant, MD, PhD – an internationally renowned physician focused on the root cause of disease

Discover the safest and most effective way to defeat cancer – Sun. Sept. 18

Charles Gant, M.D., PhD, is an internationally-known physician, educator and seasoned practitioner of integrative, complementary/alternative and functional medicine. With a medical degree from the University of Virginia Medical School, Dr. Gant is a pioneer in the field of mindfulness-based therapies for optimal health and wellness.

Dr. Gant has an extensive experience with genetic testing, nutrition, supplementation and the latest therapies to maximize results for each individual patient. With a focus on precision medicine, Dr. Gant works to uncover the root cause of chronic disease – whether physical or mental – and specializes in assisting patients of all ages achieve their genetic potential.

jonathan landsmanAbout the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.

Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.

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