COVID jab responsible for shocking 5,162% increase in excess deaths in Australia, secretive government data confirms

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shocking-increase-in-excess-deaths(NaturalHealth365)  The recent release of what used to be secretive government information reveals the COVID shot is the direct cause of a 5,000+% uptick in excess deaths throughout Australia.  Compare the number of excess deaths in Australia in 2020 to 2021, and you’ll find a spike of exactly 5,162%.  The primary societal change in this period is the widespread administration of the COVID shot across the continent.  Coincidence?  Hardly so.

Australia’s death rate jumped by a staggering 1,452% across the initial nine months of 2021 immediately after the federal government began distributing COVID shots.  The disturbing statistics listed above were kept secret by the Australian government until recent weeks.

Australia saw a shocking increase in excess deaths in 2021 and 2022

Statisticians reviewing the data released by Australia’s federal government have found that the number of excess deaths has dramatically increased each month after the administration of COVID injections.  To say the admission is shocking would be an understatement.

It is accurate to state that Australia’s federal government acted negligently toward its populace.  Negligence is a term used by lawyers and judges to refer to a party’s failure to provide due care to others.  Only time will tell if a class action lawsuit is filed to recover damages for those who received the COVID injection at the behest of the Australian federal government.

Breaking down the rest of the data

Continue to sort through the statistics about the shocking increase in excess deaths in Australia provided to the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), and you’ll find even more startling figures.  The data and tables released by the federal government show mortality rates are comparably low in the unjabbed across all age cohorts.

The country’s excess death rate spiked by 5,162% in the initial 38 weeks of 2022 compared to 2020 numbers.  The data was reported directly from the Australian federal government as opposed to independent organizations.

Additional data provided by the United Kingdom federal government indicates the coronavirus shot is the single most meaningful factor in the dramatic spike in excess deaths nationwide.

Why Australia’s government lied

The Australian government rushed to inject its citizens.  However, now that it has been revealed that the COVID shots hiked the excess death rate, it is clear that encouraging the masses to roll up their sleeves for Big Pharma injections was a grave mistake.  Critical thinkers will question whether the island nation’s government had nefarious intentions when pushing the shot on its hardworking taxpayers.

Though you’ll never hear it from Australia’s mainstream media, the federal government’s push to inject the masses with a gene-altering pharmaceutical concoction was likely a dry run for social control programs that will be rolled out in the years ahead.  The fact that the masses largely complied with the government’s request for repeated COVID injections indicates that the general public is unaware that Australia – and much of the rest of the world – is becoming a dystopia controlled by an autocracy empowered by high-tech tools for social control.

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