NH365 029: Curing cancer and chronic disease without conventional medicine

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Can you cure cancer naturally? Well, conventional medicine would say ‘no’ – they only focus on ‘treatment’ protocols. But, as you will soon see, you CAN eliminate the threat of cancer – naturally without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, you’ll meet Brenda Cobb – who cured herself of breast and cervical cancer without the need for conventional cancer protocols. Following a healthy diet and lifestyle may sound quite simple – but it does not make it any less significant than any other form of treatment available today for chronic disease.

Discover a natural way to get rid of chronic disease symptoms

Do you know someone suffering with illness and is looking for a better way to take care of themselves? Then, don’t wait another minute, be sure to share this podcast. Truthfully, in many cases, it is much safer and more effective to implement natural protocols to REVERSE disease conditions. Our guest, Brenda Cobb, eliminated all sorts of chronic health conditions like, allergies, migraines and, yes, even breast and ovarian cancer.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Brenda Cobb – visit: LivingFoodsInstitute.com

2. Subscribe to the NaturalHealth365 newsletter to receive lots of great health gifts + the latest news and information on natural health solutions.

Who is Brenda Cobb?

brenda cobbBrenda Cobb is the Founder and Director of the Living Foods Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. Brenda overcame breast and cervical cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery by following the simple principles that are taught in her Healthy Lifestyle Programs.

She eliminated all allergies, migraine and sinus headaches, acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, rheumatoid arthritis, age and liver spots, and gray hair. Her eyesight even improved! She is completely healthy and looks and feels many years younger than her actual age. Brenda now devotes her life to educating and helping others.

In addition, Brenda was awarded an Honorary Cultural Doctorate in Therapeutic Philosophy from the World University in September 2003 for her work in helping people heal from diseases that the medical community thought were terminal, incurable and hopeless.

Mayor Shirley Franklin, former Atlanta, Georgia mayor, awarded Brenda the Prestigious Phoenix Award in November 2003 with the Proclamation: “On behalf of the people of Atlanta, I commend Brenda Cobb, Founder of The Living Foods Institute for promoting healthy eating and healthy living. The City of Atlanta Recognizes the importance of incorporating enzyme-rich organic Living Foods into the diets of its citizens and also, the healing it brings to the body, mind and spirit. The City of Atlanta takes pride in your efforts to raise awareness in our community.”

What do people have to say about Brenda Cobb?

The following are just a few of the testimonials posted on Brenda Cobb’s website:

Donna Boyd Smith says:

“Brenda Cobb’s healthy lifestyle course has changed my life. Before I attended the program, I had concerns about my health and I knew that my diet was contributing to my feeling bad. I experienced fatigue, depression, headaches, and weight gain, and was concerned about my genetic link to heart disease and diabetes. Attending this program has given me a much better understanding of my body and the importance of diet and cleansing for obtaining and maintaining good health.”

Kathryn Cook is 65 years old and has this to say:

”Brenda Cobb’s healthy lifestyle course has opened up an exciting way to greater health for me. The foods are nourishing energizing, delicious and beautiful. I can’t believe the difference in my body and how my energy level has increased after several days of being on living foods. My thinking is clearer, and I feel more connected to everything around me. No more tired feelings in the morning, and by blood pressure has dropped 20 points.”

John O’Neal, a professional counselor and full-time student at the University of Georgia where he is working on his 2nd Masters in Clinical Social Work says:

“My blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides were going out the roof. I was looking at either a heart attack or a stroke when I took Brenda Cobb’s healthy lifestyle course. It was for my health that I did this program, but it also has made a big difference in my appearance. My grey eyes turned blue, my hair changed from gray back to brown, I lost 23 pounds in only 3 weeks, and my waist went from 36 inches to 32 inches.”

Patricia Groen says:

“Surprisingly, from the moment I started eating these foods, my body responded by bringing me back every day for more. I actually began to feel calm, less easily irritated, I have clearer insight and retrospection. The process of preparation and the tender loving care required to do so, has given me a great respect for the food, and a greater respect for myself for caring about what I put into my body. I feel a sense of pride in my effort. After only 10 days I already have a feeling of general well-being. Positive thoughts go hand in hand with this physical change of diet.”

Don’t let ‘conventional wisdom’ limit your belief systems or your potential in life. You have the power to reverse chronic disease condition. Take time (now) to enjoy this program and let this day be the first day of your new (healthy) life.

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