Doctor claims obesity can’t be treated with diet and exercise

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obesity-is-a-brain-disease-doctor-claims(NaturalHealth365)  The obesity epidemic in the United States is spiraling out of control.  Compare the national rate of obesity to the line charts that illustrate the influx of sugar and salt content added to food in recent decades, and you’ll find the two align nearly perfectly.  However, the mainstream media would like you to think otherwise, likely because most media outlets receive a significant portion of its advertising dollars from the food, beverage, and restaurant industries.

One of the USDA’s top shills, Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, is making the media rounds to propagate the myth that obesity is a neurological problem.  If the masses believed supposed health experts like Stanford, our healthcare costs would rise even more.  Instead of attempting to dissect the problem of obesity in the context of the brain, our focus should be on shifting to healthier diets and exercise to offset increasingly sedentary living.

Nationally recognized doctor claims obesity is a brain disease

The USDA’s dietary guidelines advisory group insists it advises the public out of benevolence, yet how it approaches the issue of obesity is downright absurd.  As explained in the video below, USDA mouthpieces like Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford are hyper-focused on the human brain instead of diet and exercise.

If the USDA were to dedicate the entirety of its funding to fighting obesity by promoting healthy eating and an active lifestyle, it would make meaningful headway in reversing the trend.  But unfortunately, the group is steadfastly focused on dissecting the nuances of the human brain and human psychology to better understand why people become “addicted” to food and live unhealthy sedentary lives.

USDA Advisory Committee member insists diet and lifestyle choices play little to no role in obesity

Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford is one of nearly two dozen nationally recognized doctors, scientists, and academicians to serve on the USDA’s 2025 Guidelines Advisory Committee.  Stanford has emerged as somewhat of a controversial figure in that she insists obesity is best treated with an in-depth analysis of the human brain instead of alterations in diet and more active living.  Nevertheless, doctors such as Stanford ultimately determine dietary guidelines that shape public health.

Stanford and her peers are charged with analyzing the existing science on nutritional matters and creating scientific reports, including the assessment of data pertaining to the obesity epidemic.  The end result of this analysis will take the form of the USDA’s 10th edition of official Dietary Guidelines for the nation.  Such guidelines inform health professionals in their quest to assist the public in living healthy lives, highlighted by productivity and longevity.

Obesity is more about personal choice than neurobiology

If the public were to buy into Stanford’s claim that obesity is a disease of the brain instead of a matter of personal choice, we would eliminate personal responsibility from the equation.  Stanford incorrectly assumes the mysterious and somewhat autonomous human brain can be diseased to the point that it fully dictates the amount of food one consumes and stores.

Stanford even goes as far as claiming genetic makeup is the top cause of obesity.  This statement is rooted in subjective opinion and guesswork.  Stanford fails to acknowledge obesity has soared since the 90s and aughts despite the fact that few obese individuals existed in the preceding decades.  The problem has dramatically worsened in recent years, with the percentage of obese individuals in the United States increasing from 30% in 2017 to a shocking 42% in 2020.

Surf your way over to YouTube, search for “1980s footage” or similar phrases, and you’ll find nearly everyone is surprisingly slim.  The uncomfortable truth is that the ubiquity of electronic devices that promote sedentary living, the automation of physical labor, the massive increase in environmental toxins that damage our metabolic pathways and the influx of salt and sugar-laden food are the primary causes of our worsening nationwide obesity epidemic.

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