Health ALERT: 12 risks of cell phone radiation, including cancer

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cell-phone-radiation(NaturalHealth365)  With global cell phone users currently at over 6.93 billion, humanity (and the environment) is being bombarded by unprecedented amounts of cell phone radiation.  In addition to emissions from cell phones, we are exposed to radiation from cell phone towers, wireless networks, laptops, routers, “smart” meters plus many other mobile devices.

Experts say that things are about to get even worse.  Well underway, 5G wireless technology will take radiation to a whole new level, involving a massive increase in small cell towers in residential neighborhoods.

Natural health experts have long warned of the dangers to health of the electromagnetic fields (or EMFs) created by microwave radiation.  Today, we’ll highlight the facts with some tips on how to reduce your exposure.

Microwave radiation increases oxidative stress in cells, tissues, and organs

Antioxidants, natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables, have received much positive attention from researchers for their ability to help neutralize harmful free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.  EMF radiation performs the exact opposite function, ramping up oxidative stress and setting the stage for disease.

Oxidative stress triggers the development of cancer – among other serious diseases – because it damages the cell and its DNA through the production of peroxides and free radicals.

EMF radiation decreases sperm counts

Scientists at the renowned Cleveland Clinic have found that sperm from healthy men who have been exposed to cell phone radiation die three times more quickly – and develop three times more damage to mitochondrial DNA – than sperm from the same men when not exposed.

By the way, sperm counts of men in technologically advanced countries have steadily decreased, in some cases dropping by a shocking 50 percent.  Natural health experts maintain that cell phone radiation is largely to blame.

We will see an increase in incidence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity

To facilitate new 5G (fifth-generation) technology, thousands of satellites have been launched or planned for 5G deployment to pepper the Earth with a barrage of previously unused and untested frequencies.

The first 60 satellites have been launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Experts warn that this rollout of 5G will worsen the plight of people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EH.  Originally known as “microwave sickness,” EH occurs when vulnerable individuals are located in close proximity to cell phone towers, wireless networks, or other sources of EMF radiation.

EH can cause potentially debilitating symptoms of fatigue, nausea, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, anxiety, memory loss, inability to concentrate, skin rashes, and burning or tingling sensations.

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity has been acknowledged by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a legitimate health condition – with some scientists maintaining that up to 10 percent of the population may suffer from EH.  And, this percentage will likely increase with the advent of 5G.

Radiation exposure associated with higher rates of brain and breast cancer

Research has documented that 4G technology emits radiation that affects brain neural activity and causes brain cell death.

A recent study conducted in South Korea looked at whether the widespread use of cell phones is linked to an increase in brain tumors.  They used the number of people with cell phone subscriptions as a way to measure how much radiation people might be exposed to.

They found that from 1991 to 2019, more and more people in South Korea started using cell phones.  The data showed a positive connection between higher cell phone use rates ten years prior and the number of both non-cancerous (benign) and cancerous (malignant) brain tumors.

The correlation was stronger for malignant tumors, especially in areas of the brain (frontal and temporal lobes) where people usually hold their phones.

In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer recognized radiofrequency radiation from cell phones as a possible carcinogen.  Radiation can be absorbed by tissues close to where the cell phone is held.

According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers’ Journal on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 20 to 80 percent of the radiation from a cell phone penetrates up to two inches into the adult brain – and even further in children’s brains.

A study published in British Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed that using a cell phone more than 15 hours a month can triple the risk of gliomas and meningiomas – two types of brain cancer.

Increased rates of other cancers – such as melanoma – have been associated with cell phone radiation, as well.  Various case histories have shown that young women who habitually carried their cell phones in their bras developed unusual tumors of the breast.

Cell phone radiation causes genetic damage and alters DNA

Studies have provided compelling evidence indicating that microwave radiation extends beyond its neurotoxic effects, posing a genotoxic threat by causing damage to genes.  Researchers have documented instances where exposure to this form of radiation results in observable breaks in the DNA structure within cells.

This genotoxic impact raises concerns about the potential long-term consequences of microwave radiation on the integrity of genetic material, which plays a crucial role in the proper functioning and health of living organisms.

Radiation interferes with restorative sleep

Exposure to EMFs has been associated with loss of melatonin, a hormone needed for restful sleep and stable mood.  Research has shown that people who sleep with a cell phone near the bed experience poor REM sleep, which can cause problems with memory and learning.

Cell phone radiation may raise risk of leukemia in adults and children alike

Several studies have revealed that adults exposed to high levels of EMFs for years at a time showed an increased risk of leukemia.  A European study has shown a connection between EMFs and leukemia in children.

These findings underscore the importance of continued research and awareness regarding the potential health implications of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields.

Cell phone radiation sets the stage for a host of chronic diseases

Researcher Dr. Martin L. Pall has discovered that calcium channels in the cells open up inappropriately when signals from WiFi and cell phones disrupt the body’s electrical environment.  This causes excessive calcium to enter the cells and produces a compound called peroxynitrite – which is truly “bad news” for the body.

Peroxynitrite degrades cell membranes, disrupts mitochondrial function, and causes cell death.  It has been linked with a host of chronic diseases – including Alzheimer’s disease, cardiac dysfunction, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, heart failure, and cancer.

Cell phone radiation increases risk of miscarriage

A study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and involving 913 pregnant women found that EMFs from WiFi and cell phones are associated with a dramatic increase in miscarriage rate.

The team found that women exposed to the highest levels of radiation were a stunning 48 percent more likely to suffer miscarriages than women exposed to the lowest amounts.  The study leaders urgently called for more research into radiation’s potential hazards to human health – including the health of pregnant women.

Radiation disrupts the endocrine system

Microwave radiation is an endocrine disruptor, potentially impairing the body’s chemical messenger system.  The endocrine system includes crucial glands such as the pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.

These glands, in turn, regulate the secretion of hormones that affect various aspects of health, including growth and development, mood, metabolism, sexual function, and reproductive processes.

Microwave radiation sabotages the body’s natural electrical circuit

The Earth – and the bodies of all humans and animals – has a normal electrical circuit, which flows through the Earth, up to the sky, through the ionosphere, and then back to Earth, where it flows through our bodies.  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) traditionally refers to these currents as “qi”.

But the toxic frequencies of 5G and other wireless technologies will undoubtedly disturb our natural flow of energy.  Let’s face it: We’ve already seen problems with 2, 3, and 4G technology – 5G will be a whole new level of energy problems.

Reduce your exposure with common-sense techniques

While it is almost impossible to avoid using wireless devices and cell phones, there are steps you can take to minimize your exposure.  Cell phones – which begin to emit harmful EMFs the minute they are turned on – should be turned off whenever practical or possible.

Avoid carrying phones close to the body (in a pocket or a bra), and communicate through texts rather than phone calls.  Many experts recommend setting the phone on speakerphone or using another type of hands-free system.

And, whenever possible, opt for using a hard-wired computer over a wireless laptop.

As famed geneticist Mae-Wan Ho so eloquently put it, we are now “living in a sea of microwave radiation.” Hopefully, we will find islands of safety – and work to slow the rising tide.

Editor’s note: Discover the best way to reduce the threat of wireless radiation – including 5GWatch this special presentation with Jonathan Landsman and the founder of an amazing technology.

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