Moderate weight loss sends type 2 diabetes into remission

type-2-diabetes(NaturalHealth365)  Did you know that well over 500 million adults (worldwide) suffer with diabetes?  To make matter worse, over 700 million people have prediabetes, which leads to type 2 diabetes.  With so many people facing this life-altering condition, it’s no wonder diabetes prevention and treatment are such major areas of public health concern.

Unfortunately, most diabetic patients come to realize that metformin and other medications used to”manage” diabetes come with many unwanted side effects like weakness, vitamin B12 deficiency, and gastrointestinal distress.  Yet, even most conventionally trained doctors acknowledge that adopting a healthier lifestyle is one of the best ways to treat diabetes.  In fact, mounting evidence now shows just how powerful a healthier lifestyle can be.

Type 2 diabetes “fixed” through a healthy lifestyle intervention

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic illnesses of our time.  It is characterized by insulin resistance and chronically elevated blood sugar levels since the body becomes unable to adequately shuttle sugar into the cells for fuel.

Unfortunately, having diabetes significantly increases your risk for many other health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and stroke.  If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with diabetes, it’s normal to feel a bit overwhelmed.

But research tells us there’s hope – great hope.  For example, a study published in Diabetes Medicine shows that losing even just 10% of your body weight within the first few years of your diagnosis can push diabetes into full remission!

The paper’s authors followed 867 people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes in a prospective cohort study.  Health assessments were performed at baseline and 1 year following the initial diagnosis.

Later, the researchers determined that people who achieved a weight loss of 10% body weight or more were significantly more likely – as much as twice as likely, in fact – to have disease remission at a 5-year follow-up compared to people who lost no weight at all. “Greater attention should be paid,” the authors conclude, “to enabling people to achieve weight loss following diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.”

Interestingly, this recent paper found that modest weight loss was achieved “without restrictive and sometimes unachievable calorie restrictions,” which may be helpful for some individuals who have struggled with weight loss in the past.

Healthy weight loss strategies: 3 things to consider for people living with diabetes

What’s the takeaway here?  Lose a little body weight and gain a lot of health benefits!

In other words, you may not need to make drastic changes to see a meaningful improvement in your overall well-being.  Start small, stay committed, and be consistent.

And remember: something usually happens to our health that forces us to stop and re-assess our choices.  If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with diabetes, consider it a valuable opportunity to improve your health now.

As you start or re-commit to a healthier lifestyle, keep these three things in mind:

  1. Fill up on fiber:  Fiber is great for gut health and helps you feel full, which can help you avoid overeating.  Diabetes-friendly, fiber-rich food includes organic leafy green vegetables and chia seeds.
  2. Get moving:  A little is good, and a little more is better.  Try these simple ways to get more active: take the stairs, take all your phone calls while walking, create a stand-up desk, and do multiple 10-minute bouts of exercise throughout the day – it doesn’t have to be all at once to get started.
  3. Think safety first:  People with diabetes can and should exercise and modify their diets, but they should do so under the supervision of their physicians.  So, check with a holistic physician before making any significant changes.

You don’t have to overhaul your entire life to see meaningful changes in your health.  This is your chance to take control and feel better – one step at a time.

Editor’s note: To get your health questions answered, each and every month, join Jonathan’s Health Club and get personal health coaching + ongoing social community support to reach your health goals.

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