New study links gut bacteria to plaque buildup in coronary arteries

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gut-bacteria(NaturalHealth365)  Did you know that the human gut has 10 times the amount of microbial cells than the entirety of the human body?  Microbial cells within the average stomach contain 5,000+ unique species that cumulatively weigh nearly five pounds.

A recent study reveals bacteria within the human gut can increase the amount of plaque that forms within coronary arteries.  The study shows there is a strong association between the composition of gut microbiota with a considerable amount of Streptococcus species and with coronary atherosclerosis as well as other markers of systemic inflammation.

Gut bacteria and heart health: A comprehensive study unveils intriguing insights

Led by academicians at Lund University and Uppsala University, the study focused on analyzing bacteria within the gut.  Published in the journal Circulation, it examined cardiac images of nearly 9,000 individuals aged 50 to 65 with no prior heart disease.  The participants’ mean age was 57, and slightly more than half were female.

Using advanced imaging tools, the Swedish researchers identified plaque accumulation within the heart’s blood vessels.  They combined this information with data from genetic sequencing on various types of bacteria residing in the gut, throat, and mouth.

This integrated approach aimed to uncover potential correlations between specific bacterial strains and arterial plaque presence, providing insights into the intricate interplay between gut bacteria and heart health.

The study’s findings hold significant implications for cardiovascular research, offering insights into the potential links between gut bacteria and arterial plaque.  This knowledge may pave the way for identifying biomarkers and developing targeted interventions to prevent or manage heart diseases.

Why the latest gut bacteria study is important

The Swedish study revealed a connection between gut bacteria and the formation of excessive plaque, which can lead to artery blockage and serious health consequences.  Specifically, the presence of Streptococcus anginosus and oralis bacteria was found to contribute to plaque buildup in the coronary arteries, highlighting the role of specific oral bacteria in cardiovascular health risks.

These findings expand our understanding of the link between gut bacteria and arterial plaque, providing valuable insights for future research and potential targeted interventions.

Tips for promoting gut health and reducing plaque buildup

Maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for overall well-being, and it can play a role in reducing plaque buildup in coronary arteries.  By following a few simple suggestions, you can improve your gut bacteria and reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Embrace an organic, balanced diet:  Aim for a diverse and balanced diet that includes plenty of organic whole foods.  This promotes a varied microbiome, benefiting your gut health.  Include plenty of fruits, sprouts and vegetables, which are particularly beneficial for your gut bacteria.  Incorporating fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, miso, kombucha, and kefir, can also improve intestinal health.

Opt for prebiotic foods:  Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that serve as a food source for beneficial gut bacteria, helping them thrive and multiply.  By including prebiotic foods in your meals, you can support the growth of these beneficial bacteria, leading to a healthier and more balanced microbiome.

Limit processed and sugary foods:  To further promote gut health and reduce plaque buildup, it’s important to limit your consumption of processed, sugary foods.  These foods can disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome and contribute to inflammation and unhealthy bacterial growth.  Instead, focus on whole, unprocessed foods and choose a small amount of natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup, when desired.

Stay hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of clean (filtered) water is essential for maintaining a healthy gut.  Water helps to facilitate digestion, nutrient absorption, and the removal of waste products from your body.  Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day and hydrate with herbal teas (or fresh lemon juice in your water) for added flavor and benefits.

By embracing a healthy diet, incorporating prebiotic-rich foods, and limiting processed and sugary foods, you can promote a healthy gut and reduce the risk of plaque buildup in coronary arteries.  Additionally, staying hydrated plays a crucial role in supporting optimal gut function.  These simple yet powerful tips can contribute to improved gut health, overall well-being, and a reduced risk of cardiovascular issues.

One final tip: Be sure to keep your teeth and gums as clean as possible.  Oil pulling, sea salt water rising, Hydro Floss, essential oils on the gums and brushing daily will help to keep your mouth (and body) clean and healthy.  If you suffer from any chronic health condition – especially gum disease – be sure to see a biological dentist, as soon as possible to correct the problem.  Bottom line, a healthy mouth equals a healthy gut and visa versa.

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