Outsmart cancer by decoding metabolic syndrome

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metabolic-syndrome(NaturalHealth365) By now, many of our NaturalHealth365 readers have heard about metabolic syndrome – as this relates to body weight issues and diabetes.  This condition places unwanted stress on the body, and the toxins associated with this “dis-ease” are quite dangerous.  But how is this related to cancer?

It doesn’t take much to create a beautiful garden.  All you really need is quality nutrients from the soil, water, and sun.  Your body is very much like that garden.  Nourishing it with the right foods, actions, and states of mind will be healthy and abundant.

Simply put, if you abuse yourself by feeding it processed foods and exposing it to stress and toxins, that gorgeous garden called your body could turn into a weedy patch where nothing healthy grows.  The body will always warn you that you are at risk of cancer.  The key is to make correct lifestyle adjustments – before it’s too late.

Cancer patients need to understand the threat of oncometabolic syndrome

These warning signs of cancer are so predictable that there is even a term for it: Cancer metabolic syndrome or oncometabolic syndrome (OMS).

Nutritional oncologist Dr. Jean Wallace was the first Western doctor to see these signs holistically.  She describes OMS as “a cluster of nutritional and metabolic factors that can influence the growth and progression of cancer.”

The good news is that the majority of these factors are completely controllable by you:

1.  High blood sugar

High blood sugar, or hyperglycemia, is an overabundance of glucose in the bloodstream.  In most cases, high blood sugar occurs after years of eating high-sugar processed foods.  Obesity and type 2 diabetes, two conditions that go hand-in-hand with hyperglycemia, have been shown to be risk factors for cancer.

This makes perfect sense.  Cancer cells use sugar, not oxygen, in order to survive.  A 1985 animal-based breast cancer study found that the higher the blood sugar, the lower the overall immune system function and, unfortunately, the higher the death rate.

2.  Increased estrogen levels

High estrogen levels can trigger breast cancer for both men and women alike.  Without limiting toxic exposure through eating an organic diet and detoxing regularly, chances are you, like the majority of Americans, will have high estrogen levels at some point in your life.  There are just too many ways for xenoestrogens, aggressive chemical toxins that mimic natural estrogen, to get into your system; everything from the commercial meats you eat and the chemical-ridden products you use to the toxic air you breathe contains it.

The healthy function of your liver is key to not only metabolizing natural estrogens but removing excess aggressive estrogens as well.  This is why establishing a regular detoxification program, among other things, is vital if you wish to reduce your estrogen load.

3.  Compromised immune system

Since the majority of our immune system cells reside in the digestive system, this is a logical place to start in order to repair it.  In the intestines, organisms such as bad bacteria, yeasts, parasites, and viruses could be the initial cause of “immune system overload.”

Your immune system may be so preoccupied with fighting off all of these “bad guys” in your gut that it does not have the energy to prevent cancer cells from growing.  In no other area of your body, however, do you have more control over regaining health than in your gut.  Eat for gut health in order to restore the proper balance of good and bad bacteria and find ways to reduce the stress that may be adding to your gut woes.  Then watch your overall immune health soar!

4.  Nutrient deficiencies

Here is a true statement:  Every client that I have worked with recently has been deficient in either vitamin D or iodine (or both).  First and foremost, be sure to get tested for deficiencies in these two essential nutrients before any tell-tale signs begin to appear.

For iodine deficiency, one of the first signs that something is acutely off may come in the form of hormone imbalances, such as slight hypothyroidism.  For vitamin D deficiency, signs could be achy bones, depression, GI problems, excessive sweating (especially on the head), and excessive weight gain.

Minerals such as magnesium, zinc, and selenium are also key nutrients to watch for as well.

5.  Inflammation

Inflammation is present wherever there is stress in the body.  It is usually created as a result of a stressed lifestyle, lack of proper sleep, and poor diet.  Inflammation in the gut caused by foods that you may have an allergy to, however slight, is especially dangerous.

Polyunsaturated fats, commercial meats, and foods with high sugar and carb content act as irritants to the gut.  Not only will they affect your immune system, as mentioned above, they will eventually wear down your intestinal lining, leading to leaky gut (and even more immune system problems).  This trickle-down effect and the presence of inflammation byproducts can lead to unchecked cancer tumor growth.

Empower your defense against OMS by taking charge of your health

Combatting cancer metabolic syndrome (OMS) demands a proactive approach.  You can effectively mitigate risks and secure your well-being by embracing targeted solutions – such as mindful dietary choices, regular detoxification, improved gut health, optimized nutrient intake, and diminished inflammation.

There was a time when I ignored the warning signs my own body was giving me.  Then I was stopped dead in my tracks when I discovered I had breast cancer.  The next time you have a hunch that your body is trying to tell you something, listen closely.  It could just save your life.

Editor’s note: Find out how to stop cancer naturally, own the Stop Cancer Docu-Class – created by NaturalHealth365 Programs and featuring many of the best holistic cancer experts in the world.

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