NH365 005: Reversing disease with vitamin C

naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365)  In 1937, Albert Szent-Györgyi was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of vitamin C in the early 1930s.  Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is one of the most researched nutrients on the planet.  This essential vitamin enables the body to destroy free radicals, reduce inflammation and boost immune function.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD – visit: PeakEnergy.com

2. To order the finest vitamin C powder on the market, visit the NaturalHealth365 Store and order today. (Your purchase helps to support our work here at NaturalHealth365. Thank you for your support)

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From the 1940’s to the 1970’s, Dr. Fredrick Klenner wrote 27 papers related to the use of large doses of vitamin C in the treatment of virus diseases.  Dr. Klenner used aggressive amounts of vitamin C to successfully treat pneumonia, herpes, pancreatitis, hepatitis, bladder infections, alcoholism, arthritis, some cancers, atherosclerosis, heavy metal toxicity and the list goes on and on.

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The healing power of vitamin C is now available to all healthcare professionals

If you’re a medical professional, or any other healthcare provider, and want to learn more about the therapeutic uses of vitamin C – I suggest you read Dr. Klenner’s “Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C” or Irwin Stone’s book “The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disesase” – at no cost to you.

In addition, you may want to read, How To Live Longer and Feel Better, by Linus Pauling, Ph.D. or The Vitamin C Connection, by Emanuel Cheraskin, M.D.

Learn how vitamin C can neutralize infections – safely and effectively

In the latest episode of the NaturalHealth365 podcast, Jonathan Landsman and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD talk about how vitamin C can quickly help you REVERSE disease symptoms – without harming the body.   Program highlights include:

  1. What exactly is vitamin C and where does it come from?
  2. The various forms of vitamin C – food sources vs. supplemental forms.
  3. The effectiveness of vitamin C against bacterial infections.
  4. How does vitamin C neutralize viral infections like, H1N1
  5. If you suffer from heart disease – do NOT miss this program. (learn how to improve circulation)
  6. An outstanding review of Dr. Klenner’s work on polio patients.
  7. Case studies revealed about how vitamin C reversed terminal conditions.
  8. The current ‘Ebola Crisis’ and what needs to be done.
  9. Plus, much more!

Health professionals rave about the benefits of vitamin C

“Vitamin C is the world’s best natural antibiotic, antiviral, antitoxin and antihistamine.” – Andrew W. Saul, Ph.D.

“I hear from patients who say their doctor said, ‘I you want to take vitamin C, go ahead and do it.  It won’t harm you , and it may do you some good.’ More and more physicians are getting convinced about the value of large doses of vitamin C.” – Linus Pauling, 2-time Nobel Prize winner

“I.V. vitamin C was found to be very beneficial.  It’s not considered a stand-alone therapy, for cancer, but it’s a perfect adjuct to any kind of therapy that the cancer patient is receiving at this time.  It will reduce side effects and improve quality of life. There have actually been two major studies now showing it improves quality of life.’ – Ronald Hunninghake, M.D., an internationally recognized expert on vitamin C

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