Surprising secret to sharper memory and mental clarity

rosemary-for-memory(NaturalHealth365)  A familiar staple of spice racks and kitchen cabinets, rosemary is prized by cooks for the piquant flavor it lends to recipes.  However, recent research shows that this common culinary herb provides some uncommon benefits when it comes to cognitive function and recall.

A British study found that sniffing the essential oil of this ancient herb can improve memory by a remarkable 75 percent, making it a possible treatment for memory problems.  Further supporting this, a 2024 study published in Adv Gerontol found that inhaling rosemary essential oil helped elderly participants improve performance in mental tasks, particularly word recognition and proofreading, highlighting its potential for enhancing cognitive function.

How did researchers arrive at these results about rosemary?

The British study, conducted by psychologists at Northumbria University in Newcastle, involved 66 people.  Some were exposed to a rosemary-scented room, in which four drops of essential oil were placed on an aroma stream diffuser and switched on for five minutes before the participants entered.  Another group worked in an unscented room.

The psychologists found that the participants in the rosemary-scented room performed between 60 and 75 percent better on assorted memory tasks and simple arithmetic than the control group – an impressive result.

As part of the study, researchers took blood samples to detect levels of 1,8-cineole, a constituent of rosemary linked to improving memory function.  Participants in the rosemary room had higher levels of cineole, demonstrating that the compound can enter the bloodstream through inhalation.

In their findings, the team concluded that rosemary could have implications for treating memory impairments, especially in older adults experiencing some decline.  Rosemary seems particularly helpful in promoting “prospective memory,” helping people remember future events such as appointments or medication schedules.

New studies build on earlier research

In an earlier study published in 2003 in the International Journal of Neuroscience, researchers examined the effects of rosemary and lavender and found that rosemary produced significant enhancements in performance for overall memory quality.

Interestingly, lavender oil deterred memory, probably because of its mildly sedating effects.  While lavender helped people feel more “content,” compared to the placebo, rosemary helped people feel simultaneously more content and alert.

In a study of aromatherapy published in Psychogeriatrics, researchers examined the effects of rosemary and lemon administered in the morning – and lavender and orange in the evening – on patients with dementia.  The team found that patients experienced significant improvement in personal orientation – with no side effects.

Other studies have supported the ability of rosemary to both promote concentration and enhance memory of past events.

Research corroborates ancient wisdom

Scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis, natural healers have long used rosemary to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, fight pathogens, and promote healthy digestion.

Although modern research is exciting, rosemary’s ability to improve memory and facilitate learning has been known since antiquity.  The ancient Greeks treasured the herb for its memory-enhancing properties, and it was customary for scholars to wear strands of rosemary in their hair when taking exams.

The herb’s useful effects were no secret in Elizabethan England, either.  Shakespeare alludes in several plays to “rosemary for remembrance.”

Fight cancer and oxidative stress in your brain

The antioxidant value, or ORAC score, of rosemary, is a massive 3,300, giving it the same potent free radical-fighting power as goji berries.  This herb is rich in carnosic acid, an antioxidant that fights oxidative stress in the brain.  Another constituent, carnosol, is strongly antioxidant and anti-inflammatory as well.

Researchers have found that carnosol selectively targets cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed.  Of course, studies into the cancer-fighting effects are ongoing.

Regarding usage, some natural health experts recommend adding a few drops of essential rosemary oil to a diffuser and running it for about an hour daily.  For topical use, dilute a small amount of the essential oil in a carrier oil and massage it onto your upper neck for potential cognitive benefits.

We suggest you check with a trusted holistic healthcare provider before using any herb to enhance memory.  This is especially important if you have any brain health issues.

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