5G battle: Sacramento residents fight to remove 5G cell towers

5G battle: Sacramento residents fight to remove 5G cell towers

(NaturalHealth365) Right now, in the city of Sacramento, there is a battle going on between concerned citizens and Verizon.  The dispute – which centers around a citywide installation of 5G antenna systems – has been compared to David and Goliath.

But, it has yet to be seen if the underdog (that is, the residents) will win out in this case for public safety over corporate profits.

What’s the issue?  As it turns out, local government is in cahoots with the telecommunications industry to install hundreds of 5G antenna systems throughout the community. Locals are not happy about this – and we don’t blame them: their health and home safety are on the line.

Editor’s note: {UPDATE – 7/27/19} Since the original video (listed below) was removed by YouTube – for no reason at all – we have a NEW place for you to watch the entire town hall meeting HERE.

The danger of 5G technology is being hidden from the public

Don’t know much about 5G?  The government doesn’t either. (Or, so they say!)  And, that’s the point!

Considered by many to be experimental cellular network technology, 5G has zero (read that, ZERO) long-term scientific studies showing that it is safe.  Again, that’s what we’re being led to believe – if you ask the telecommunications industry.

You’d think our government “health” agencies would care about this, given that 5G uses a powerful array of radio waves to transmit cellphone signals.

And, in case you missed it, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) have already classified all radio frequency radiation as “possibly carcinogenic.”  This is based on animal and human studies which have found associations between radio frequency exposure and an increased risk of cancers, tumors, and immune system suppression, to name just a few.

Yet, we’re supposed to believe that a preponderance of these powerful radio wave transmitters – installed on city streets and at eye level with second story windows – are supposed to be harmless?

Does the City of Sacramento care about its citizens?

Never mind all that, says the city of Sacramento.  Now, at the behest of city officials – and under the auspices of a two-year-old deal spearheaded by Mayor Steinberg – Verizon has begun installing 5G antennas on city light poles throughout the Californian urban community.

Proponents say this will increase connectivity and communication for thousands of people – meanwhile, they’re sticking their heads in the sand about the health impacts of this myopic decision.  Remember: 5G technology relies on powerful electromagnetic radiation – which includes very high frequency and short wavelengths.

This will mean that these networks require transmitting devices closer to the ground (hence transmitters on light posts instead of distant cell towers) in order to work – and a lot MORE of them.

Many residents are already noticing negative health effects within their family members and young children. To add insult to injury, these radiation-emitting 5G antenna systems are projected to lower property value and make it harder to sell area homes in the future.

What will it take for this technology take over to stop?

If it’s happening in Sacramento, it can (and likely will) happen elsewhere – here’s how you can help

Sacramento is poised to set a new precedent for forcing residents of this nation to be subjected to the harmful effects of 5G exposure.  But, if you think this issue doesn’t affect you because you don’t live in this community – nor even in the state of California – we warn you think again.

Case in point: According to a June 2019 report from another multinational telecommunications company Ericsson, fully 65% of the world’s population is expected to be covered by 5G networks by 2024.

Want to help?  Click here to donate to a local Sacramento GoFundMe page.  You can also take action by writing to your local representatives and raising awareness about the dangers of 5G within your community.  We need more people talking about this issue!

Let people know: you don’t want this cancer-causing technology in your community.  The pubic IS waking up to the dangers – unfortunately the video posted (below) was removed just one day after we posted this article.  In addition, the entire YouTube channel was shut down – with NO REASON given.

Censoring the dangers of 5G is in full force.

Here is the NEW link to watch the full (shocking) testimonials at the town hall meeting about the dangers of 5G technology – that’s being deployed with any safety tests.

Here’s another video (below) about the dangers of 5G technology and what experts are saying:

Sources for this article include:


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