Whole Foods’ GMO hypocrisy: Selling out to fake food with Impossible Foods deal
(NaturalHealth365) Maybe there was a time when Whole Foods was considered the … Whole Foods’ GMO hypocrisy: Selling out to fake food with Impossible Foods deal
(NaturalHealth365) Maybe there was a time when Whole Foods was considered the … Whole Foods’ GMO hypocrisy: Selling out to fake food with Impossible Foods deal
(NaturalHealth365) Bill Gates has had his fingers in some pretty shady pies … NO ESCAPE: Bill Gates, WEF push GMO foods, end food as we know it
(NaturalHealth365) The food we eat should keep us healthy and strong. But … GMO foods are only one of many sources of glyphosate exposure
(NaturalHealth365) When the concept of genetically modified foods was first discussed, the … Studies confirm, harm from GMO foods is real – here is how to avoid them
(NaturalHealth365) For over twenty years, environmental groups and natural health experts have … Avoiding GMO foods and going organic improves health, survey reports
(NaturalHealth365) A 2016 Pew Research Center study found that nearly 40 percent … FDA promotes GMO foods with a government-controlled propaganda campaign
(NaturalHealth365) A 2016 study published in Scientific Reports of Nature magazine has … New study discovers major differences between GMO and non-GMO corn
(NaturalHealth365) It’s official. The U.S. House of Representatives have passed GMO labeling … Disappointing GMO labeling law allows food manufacturers to hide GMOs from consumers
(NaturalHealth365) Type 2 diabetes, which affects well over 500 million people worldwide, … Beat type 2 diabetes with the power of antioxidant-rich foods
(NaturalHealth365) While most people are aware of the health hazards of eating … Processed foods destroy gut bacteria and diversity, leading to tragic results
(NaturalHealth365) The Impossible Burger, a “plant-based burger” marketed by Impossible Foods, now … Bad news about Impossible Burger: Ushering in a huge wave of genetically engineered foods
(NaturalHealth365) Globally, about 660 million people follow a gluten-free diet. While a … Gluten-free ALERT: Glyphosate and other pesticides contaminate gluten-free foods, even organic samples
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