Avoiding GMO foods and going organic improves health, survey reports

(NaturalHealth365) For over twenty years, environmental groups and natural health experts have sounded the alarm about the dangers of GMO foods or, better said, the ‘genetically altered’ food supply!
In addition, many integrative healthcare providers have contributed GMO foods with the soaring rates of disease like, inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis – to name a couple.
Now, the results of a recently-released survey highlight the dramatic health improvements that can be achieved by eliminating GMO foods from your diet. It may seem difficult – but, the results are by far worth the effort.
Stunning survey reveals improvement in 28 different conditions after eliminating GMO foods from the diet
A peer-reviewed article published in International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine revealed that several thousand survey participants reported health improvements after sharply reducing or eliminating GMO foods.
The survey, which was conducted by the Institute for Responsible Technology, involved 3,250 people – most of whom live in the United States.
Some study respondents said they had switched to an organic diet (by law, foods certified as organic can’t include GMOs) while others reported slashing their consumption of processed foods, junk foods and refined sugars – all notorious sources of GMOs.
Virtually all of the participants said their health had improved after the dietary changes.
The article’s author, IRT director Jeffrey Smith, noted that the changes were consistent with reports by physicians and others about improvements in the health of patients who had adopted non-GMO or organic diets.
Participants say: GMO-related digestive problems sharply reduced or vanished
Although participants reported benefits in two dozen different areas, the vast majority of improvements involved gastrointestinal and digestive disorders. A stunning 82.5 percent of the respondents rated their digestive symptoms as ranging from “mildly improved” to “complete recovery” (after undertaking a GMO-free diet).
The symptoms were “significantly improved” in 29.1 percent of the respondents, “nearly gone” in 22.2 percent, and completely resolved in 16.6 percent.
In other words, over a third of the respondents experienced total – or near-total – relief of their gastrointestinal symptoms – merely by cutting out GMO foods. And, close to a third more saw substantial improvements.
Unavoidable fact: GMOs cause digestive problems through three different mechanisms
Let’s take a closer look at why we should avoid GMO foods – as much as possible.
In some instances, the genetic modification itself can introduce or elevate allergens, toxins and anti-nutrients. In other cases, the effects of Bt – an insecticide produced in genetically engineered corn – and glyphosate – a toxic herbicide used in GMO crops – can be responsible.
Bt – which is not broken down in the human stomach – works against insects by creating small holes in the intestines, and experts are concerned that it could harm the human digestive tract as well. Animal studies have shown that natural Bt toxin can produce immune system responses as powerful as those induced by cholera toxin.
In addition, many GMO crops are ‘Roundup Ready,’ meaning that they have been engineered to be tolerant to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed-killer.
Animal studies show that Roundup Ready soy causes decreases in pancreatic enzymes – leading to concerns of absorption problems, autoimmune diseases and inflammation. In addition, studies have shown potentially precancerous cell growth and increased stomach inflammation in animals given GMO feed.
Majority of respondents reported less fatigue – and healthier body weight
Improvements in digestive problems were not the only benefits enjoyed by the participants.
A substantial majority (60.4 percent) reported feeling less fatigued and more energetic. Over half (54.6 percent) listed improvements in the area of obesity and overweight.
And, over half of them experienced improved memory and concentration, a lessening of brain fog, and a reduction in anxiety levels and depression. Close to a third enjoyed more restful sleep and decreased insomnia.
And – with heart disease the number one cause of death in the United States – it is significant that 19.8 percent of survey participants also listed improvements in cardiovascular problems, including lowered blood pressure.
Decreases in food allergies, improved eczema, reductions in joint and musculoskeletal pain, and improvements in conditions such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and autism – the list of benefits goes on and on.
Ugly truth: GMO foods involve foreign genes derived from pathogens
GMO crops are the result of genetic engineering, a laboratory process in which non-plant genes are artificially forced into plant DNA. These genes, which are intended to confer resistance to certain herbicides and pests, are usually derived from bacteria or viruses.
The six major genetically modified crops in the United States are soy, corn, cotton, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa. But, remember, exposure to GM foods can also occur from eating meat, eggs and milk from animals that have been fed GM feed.
Opponents of GMOs say that genetic engineering produces “Frankenfoods” – all with a nightmarish roster of possible harms. This is why it’s so important to know where your food is coming from. Support local (organic) farmers, go to farmers markets and ask questions!
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has insisted since 2009 that animal studies have shown GMOS to be associated with a host of health problems, including infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, faulty cell signaling and insulin regulation.
Outrageously, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn’t require GMO crops to be labeled – yet, they know our food supply is becoming toxic. And – in a case of the “fox guarding the henhouse,” the agency allows makers of GMO foods to determine – on their own – if their foods are ‘safe.’
Of course, you can make your own determination – and resolve to cut GMOs from your diet. According to the IRT survey, over 3,200 people are glad they did.
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