WARNING: Popular sweetener stimulates tumor growth, plus 3 other horrible health effects

WARNING: Popular sweetener stimulates tumor growth, plus 3 other horrible health effects
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(NaturalHealth365) Don’t let Big Agra fool you – despite their efforts to convince the American public that high fructose corn syrup isn’t harmful to your health, plenty of research reveals this claim for the deception it is.  Of course, even regular refined sugar isn’t good for your health either, but this ubiquitous (highly processed) sweetener can cause many problems for people who consume it.

One such problem? Increased tumor growth within the intestines, according to a new study from the Baylor College of Medicine. The study suggests that even a modest amount of high fructose corn syrup consumption imposes this effect.

Research update: High fructose corn syrup is essentially cancer food and accelerates tumor growth rate

The study, titled simply “High-fructose corn syrup enhances intestinal tumor growth in mice”, looked at the effects of a moderate amount of high fructose corn syrup consumption on intestinal tumors in mice. The researchers fed the mice (who had undergone a gene-modification process to get them into a state that mimics early stage colon cancer) water sweetened with 25% high fructose corn syrup.

In humans, this is equivalent to drinking just 1 can of sugary soda per day!  And, let’s not forget: even though this study was done on mice … we are animals too.

After one month, the mice who received the sugary water gained a significant amount of weight. This isn’t surprising, since research already confirms that sugar consumption has been directly tied to obesity.  In other words, this is exactly what we’re seeing in humans.

People that consume a diet rich in high fructose corn syrup and other processed foods will tend to develop metabolic disorders like, diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

But the researchers also found that the mice who drank the sweetened water “showed a substantial increase in tumor size and tumor grade,” and that these changes were independent of obesity and metabolic syndrome.

What this suggests, conclude the researchers, is that sugar acts as food for cancer, helping tumors grow at an accelerated rate. “The combination of dietary glucose and fructose,” they report (with high fructose corn syrup containing a mix of glucose and fructose at a ratio of 45:55), “even at a moderate dose, can enhance tumorigenesis.”

Beyond tumor growth: 5 other harmful effects of refined sugar

It seems we have evidence to say that high fructose corn syrup can accelerate cancer growth, at least in mice (and it’s possible to draw logical conclusions about human health from animal models). We also know refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are major contributors to the rapidly expanding obesity epidemic.

Sadly, these aren’t the only dubious qualities of these types of sweeteners. Here are 5 other reasons to avoid refined sugar as much as humanly possible (which you can do by opting for real, minimally processed, and high quality plant and animal products):

  1. It increases your risk of diabetes
  2. It drives inflammation, which is associated with heart disease
  3. It fills you with too much fructose, which is broken down differently than glucose (a basic carb molecule) and can lead to health problems
  4. It increases your risk for fatty liver disease, since the liver has to metabolize the high amounts of fructose into glycogen and can then be overloaded (excess glycogen is converted into fat)
  5. Because refined sugar is so sweet, it can trigger and drive unhealthy food cravings

It’s time to cut the ‘junk’ sugar out of your diet – and your family’s diet!  Let’s lift our glasses with clean (purified) water or organic juices made from whole apples, carrots plus other delicious fruits and veggies.

Your future health will thank you for the effort.

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