Massachusetts mandates all students above 6 months to get a flu shot

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massachusetts-pushes-flu-shot(NaturalHealth365) In the turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic, public health officials really aren’t wasting any time enforcing new vaccination programs, are they? There is now a confirmed report of a Massachusetts mandatory vaccine for the seasonal flu.

The flu vaccine is already required for certain individuals, such as healthcare workers – but importantly, these requirements come from individual employers, not the government. Now, many parents in Massachusetts and elsewhere are understandably angered by this decision from state officials.

It’s not too off-base to wonder at this point: will parents be forced to do the same with a future COVID-19 vaccine?

Breaking NEWS out of New England: All Massachusetts school kids older than 6 months required to get annual flu shot, MUST be vaccinated by December 31, 2020

On August 18, Massachusett’s Department of Public Health released an annoucement which clearly states that ALL school students older than 6 months of age will be forced to get a seasonal flu vaccination, or risk being barred from school. Included in the new legislation is anyone enrolled in child care, pre-school, kindergarten, K-12, and colleges and universities (up to age 30).

According to the official website, this requirement even includes “individuals from outside the U.S. attending or visiting classes or educational programs in Massachusetts as part of an academic visitation or exchange program.”

“College students who attend any classes or activities on campus, even once,” the website continues, “must be vaccinated by December 31.” The December 31, 2020 deadline also applies to all other children who do not meet the medical nor religious exemptions. (Exemptions are also in place for students who are either fully home-schooled or exclusively attend classes online.)

Now, how does that work exactly? To bring up a real-world example of how insane this mandate is, would this mean ALL college athletes from other states who plan to travel to Massachusetts for competition MUST get vaccinated, too? Does this also mean any student must walk around with “their papers” in order to be freely mobile on a campus that they pay heavily to attend?

No word on whether this will become a permanent intrusion, although it seems likely unless enough parents push back. In the meantime, the Massachusetts government has officially added the seasonal flu as yet another vaccine to their list of school requirements.

As parents fume over flu vaccine mandate, critics raise these two questions about this medical procedure

The flu vaccine mandate is allegedly intended to preserve resources and prevent a “twindemic” of flu and COVID-19 this coming fall and winter season. But this intention falls on many skeptical ears, and the issue raises at least two central questions.

First and foremost, does the flu vaccine actually work?

Certainly not as much as public health officials would want you to believe. Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits that the flu vaccine reduces the risk of flu by, at best, 60% in the overall population. Can you imagine forcing someone to take a drug that does what it’s supposed to do only 60% of the time?

A newer question that some health experts are now asking is: could receiving flu shot actually increase your risk of coronavirus?

Incredibly, research suggests this is entirely possible. One study published in January 2020 in the peer-reviewed Vaccine determined that due to a phenomenon called “”vaccine-derived virus interference,” a flu shot may actually make a person MORE likely to contract coronavirus (even if protecting them against influenza).

This same virus interference has been proposed as a contributing factor for the high COVID-19 mortality rates in Italy, after it was reported that Italian health officials introduced a brand new and more immune-triggering vaccine onto the Italian public back in September 2019.

Mandatory flu vaccines are officially a reality for our children. Will the same ring true of a COVID-19 vaccine, when and if one ever becomes available? If you share our concern, we invite you to contact your local representatives and make your voices heard.

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