DANGER: More studies conclude exposure to wireless technology has catastrophic consequences

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wireless-technology-harms-human-health(NaturalHealth365)  The telecommunications industry has rolled out 5G connectivity quite inconspicuously.  The mainstream media briefly acknowledged the arrival of 5G when it first hit the scene, then quickly digressed to other subject matter to distract the masses from the dangers of the latest tech innovation.

Conduct your due diligence, research the risks posed by wireless technology, and you’ll learn that the tech is a net negative for human health.  Here’s a quick look at recent studies highlighting how ongoing exposure to innovations in wireless tech has harmful consequences for the human condition.

New 5G studies everyone should know about

With each passing day, more and more evidence mounts to reveal the true extent to which wireless technology is compromising human health in the name of heightened efficiency.  Read through the details of the latest wireless tech studies below, and you’ll question why nothing is being done to safeguard human health.

Annals of Case Reports, a worldwide open-access journal detailing case reports, recently published a report out of Sweden that proves radiation from 5G wireless technology causes adverse health effects.  The data reveals microwave syndrome occurs in individuals within proximity of 5G.  More specifically, the study centers on alterations to the human body after installing a 5G cell tower on apartment buildings.  The ensuing high pulses of microwave radiation have the potential to significantly compromise human health.

Another study out of China indicates that using 5G wireless tech with smartphones is tied to brain cancer.  The study is peer-reviewed by the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine academicians for legitimacy.  Published in Neuro-oncology in the fall of 2022, the brain cancer research was conducted by the University and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities.

An inside look at the UK and Australia studies

Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association researchers indicate there is evidence that shows exposure to wireless technology causes considerable stress to the human body.  The researchers’ report analyzed methods of more than 1,000 studies centering on the health impact of wireless tech.  The results reveal nearly 70% of the data indicates wireless tech has meaningful biological effects ranging from heightened oxidative stress levels to biochemical alterations.  The data also reveals 5G causes damage to the proteins that serve as the building blocks and foundation of human life.

Another study out of the United Kingdom found a 32% spike in RF-EMF in teens’ brains due to smartphone use.  The peer-reviewed article recently published in Environmental International gauged electromagnetic radiation in youngsters throughout the United Kingdom, highlighting how the daily use of smartphones, tablets, and laptops is a direct threat to human health.

Steps to reduce exposure to wireless tech

Now that it is clear that wireless technology is harmful to human health, we must shift the focus to reducing exposure.  Though society is clearly prioritizing efficiency and convenience over the human condition, you have personal agency and autonomy.

Step 1.  Instead of using a wireless router in your home, revert to a traditional wired connection.

Step 2.  If you insist on using wireless technology at work or home, move the router to the far corner of the room used least frequently.

Step 3.  You can also minimize exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation by using a faraday case or bag for your smartphone and other portable web-connected devices.

Step 4.  Do your part to spur social change at the macro level by voting for politicians who refuse soft money donations from the telecommunications industry, throwing your support behind office-seekers willing to prioritize the collective interest over private industry profits.

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