Multiple chemical sensitivities is an overlooked worldwide health epidemic causing massive health problems

Multiple chemical sensitivities is an overlooked worldwide health epidemic causing massive health problems
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(NaturalHealth365) Amid the many challenges facing our modern world today, perhaps none is greater than what’s going on in our own bodies – especially as it relates to multiple chemical sensitivities.

Research shows that chronic health disease is on the rise – and unfortunately, it’s an epidemic that can’t only be explained by the fact that people are, by and large, living longer (and therefore sticking around long enough to develop age-related health problems).  For example, the rates of asthma, autism, and other life-altering conditions in children – as well as adults – are increasing, creating a sizable public health crisis.

Without question, what’s driving this epidemic is multifactorial.  But a growing body of research suggests that a strong – and largely ignored – contributor of chronic illness is multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS).  It is truly astounding how the chemicals surrounding us in our day-to-day lives can affect our health (and our children’s health).

The impact of multiple chemical sensitivities on your health – the research will shock you

After analyzing survey results of a nationally representative sample of over 1,000 Americans, a team of researchers from the University of Melbourne discovered that 1 in 4 Americans suffer from chemical sensitivity – and their health suffers as a result.

Common adverse effects that are associated with multiple chemical sensitivities reported in the literature include migraine headaches, asthma, autism, and even lost workdays, productivity, and employment.

The researchers published their results in a 2018 volume of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Importantly, they defined multiple chemical sensitivity, or MCS, as “a medical condition characterized by adverse health effects from exposure to common chemicals and pollutants, from products such as pesticides, new carpet and paint, renovation materials, diesel exhaust, cleaning supplies, perfume, scented laundry products, and air fresheners.”

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Do you see any of those products listed above in your own home?  How about your workplace or your children’s schools?  When we realize how ubiquitous these common pollutants and chemicals actually are, it’s hard to believe more of us aren’t suffering.

Another more recent paper published in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health found that in an international survey of over 4,000 people (including adults from the UK, US, Australia, and Sweden), close to 20% reported a MCS and over 32% reported fragrant sensitivity.  Of the 4.5% of the sample that had autism or autism spectrum disorder, a whopping 60.6% and 75.8% of them had either a chemical sensitivity and/or fragrance sensitivity, respectively. A correlation was also seen between MCS and asthma and asthma-like conditions.

Overall, research indicates that the prevalence of chemical sensitivity has increased by over 300% in America in just the past decade, and at least 61 million people worldwide are believed to be currently affected.

Tips for protecting your family from environmental chemical exposure

According to the World Health Organization, close to 60% of the global deaths that occurred in 2001 were due to chronic illness, and by 2020 the proportion of chronic illnesses is expected to increase by as much as 57%.  This places a high demand on our healthcare system – one which already places such a heavy significance on conventional reactive treatments including medications and drugs that usually cause as many problems as they attempt to “fix.”

It’s time to take your health into your own hands and minimize your dependency on a faulty system.

There’s good reason to, after all.  Research shows that lifestyle factors account for as much as 60% (or more) of your overall health and quality of life!

When it comes to protecting yourself and your family against chemical sensitivity in particular, keep the following suggestions in mind:

  • Go organic. Opt for produce that is pesticide-free, minimize your use of canned foods, and wash your food thoroughly.
  • Avoid using plastic food containers and water bottles, especially with #7 or #3 on the bottom – choose glass or stainless steel instead.
  • Choose natural household beauty products that are free of harsh chemicals and fragrances.
  • Get your home checked for radon and ensure your home has high quality ventilation. While you’re at it, grow some indoor plants to help purify your air!

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