NH365 098: Eliminating stress with the science of yoga

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(NaturalHealth365) We can all understand the potential negative effects of stress. Job pressures … financial issues … poor health or relationships can have a devastating influence on our life OR it can be viewed as an opportunity to make great changes.

Stress fact #1: According to the American Psychological Association …

The Stress in America survey results showed that adults continue to report high levels of stress.

For example, 75% of adults reported experiencing moderate to high levels of stress in the past month and nearly half reported that their stress has increased in the past year.

Stress is even a top health concern for U.S. teenagers between 9th and 12th grade. And, at such an early stage in life, very few children get the opportunity to learn how to properly deal with difficult situations.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, we’ll focus our attention on better ways to deal with stress. Because, if we don’t, eventually we can pay the price with poor health.

Links related to this podcast:

For more information about Leonard Perlmutter and his upcoming conference – visit: AmericanMeditation.org

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Podcast highlights include:

  • How the “Science of Yoga” can help all of us – each and every day.
  • Identifying the areas of hidden stress in our life and how to deal with it.
  • What ‘mind and inner wisdom’ can help guide us in better ways.
  • What the “Bridge of Yoga” does for us – under stressful situations.
  • How studying the Science of Yoga can literally transform our life.
  • Exciting details about an upcoming event + much more!

About Leonard Perlmutter

Leonard Perlmutter is the Founder and director of The American Meditation Institute and author of “Transformation,” The Journal of Meditation as Mind/Body Medicine and the award-winning book “The Heart and Science of Yoga® : A Blueprint for Peace, Happiness and Freedom from Fear.”

His Heart and Science of Yoga® entry-level course has been accredited by the Albany Medical College, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, the Massachusetts Association of Registered Nurses and American Nurses Association to receive medical education credit. Leonard has been a student of Yoga Science since 1975 and a direct disciple of mind/body medicine pioneer Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

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