Half of all medical literature may be false, says medical journal editor

(NaturalHealth365) Can we trust scientific literature? A recent report by The Lancet says we can’t, with the report stating “a lot” of scientific studies that are published are incorrect. This is just confirming what can already be seen happening in scientific circles.
More and more scientists are coming forward to reveal their research or that of their colleagues has been falsified. Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, says:
“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
Let’s face it: Is The Lancet ‘revelation’ really a surprise to anyone?
Considering that many studies published in scientific journals are funded by drug companies for the purpose of developing drugs and vaccines, this should not be particularly surprising. The companies that fund these studies want to get their products to market as soon as possible.
Therefore, publishing favorable results of their studies in scientific journals makes them look good and helps big pharma sell more drugs. Whether the published findings are accurate or not is secondary to making money in these sponsored studies.
”Peer-reviewed” studies don’t always equate to accurate (honest) information
In today’s scientific environment, anything that isn’t peer-reviewed is readily dismissed by other scientists. A May 2015 article in Collective Evolution points out that with the findings about falsified medical literature, ‘peer reviewed’ essentially means nothing. An article that is not peer reviewed is as likely to be correct or incorrect as an article that hasn’t been peer reviewed at all.
You can’t always believe what you read in medical journals.
Dr. Marcia Angell, who is a doctor and editor-in-chief of the New England Medical Journal agrees with the latest assessment of the accuracy of medical literature. She goes on the record in the Collective Evolution article, saying it is not possible to believe much, if anything, of what is published in scientific and medical journals.
She goes on to say, ‘this is because of the poor judgment of the physicians who contribute to these journals; the lack of ethics in the junior and senior editors; and other similar reasons.
Omission of data is just as frequent (and dangerous) as falsified results
Data is routinely omitted from medical journals and scientific journals. And, to be quite blunt, this can be just as dangerous as the falsification of information.
When researchers omit information about negative health outcomes or side effects of medications and vaccines, when those effects are known, it places lives at risk. Doctors use these results when treating patients, and it turns people into human guinea pigs, or worse, vehicles for corporate profit.
There is no evidence to suggest this practice is not continuing. The best any doctor or patient can do is to conduct their own independent research into anything they find suspect, in order to determine the truth. There are alternative sources of information out there that are truthful. And, these findings show how corrupted the current scientific and medical publishing industry is and how much independent verification of anything published is a necessity.
As the old saying goes, ‘let the buyer beware.’ Or, in this case, question everything and protect your health.