NH365 033: The Paleo Diet – A medical perspective

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) For many people, deciding on which diet is best for them – can be confusing at best and often seems almost impossible to figure out – especially for those trying to lose weight or recover from a serious health condition.

It seems like we have hundreds of diets claiming to be the best … everything from the Atkins diet to a vegan lifestyle. Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, we’ll focus our attention on the Paleo diet – which has gained tremendous popularity in recent years.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Dr. Jack Wolfson – visit: TheDrsWolfson.com

2. Looking for a high-quality spirulina?  Visit: Nutrex Hawaii Hawaiian Spirulina

3. CoQ10 is available at the NaturalHealth365 Store. Click here to order today.

4. Vitamin D/K2 liquid drops are available at the NaturalHealth365 Store. Click here to order today.

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Doctor says the paleo diet can help you avoid a heart attack or stroke

While there is no ‘magic bullet’ to perfect health – there are certainly things you can do the greatly minimize your risk of ever getting any form of cardiovascular disease or dying prematurely of a massive heart attack. On today’s NaturalHealth365 Podcast, Jonathan Landsman interviews Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified cardiologist with a holistic approach to avoiding heart attacks and, better yet, achieving optimal health.

His new book, The Paleo Cardiologist – The Natural Way to Heart Health shows everyone how to lower blood pressure, reduce excessive cholesterol levels and, even reverse heart disease symptoms naturally through simple dietary and lifestyle changes.

Who is Dr. Jack Wolfson?

Dr. Wolfson wrote this – in his own words below:

”Brainwashed! That was how I spent the first 35 years of my life. Words like organic and natural were not in my vocabulary, certainly not relating to health. Nutrition was scarcely mentioned, vitamins were quackery, and drugs and surgery were healing.

I actually believed (as many docs do) that statin drugs should be in the water supply. But, as you will read below, I transformed from a doctor who follows mindless, cookbook medicine to one who will be amongst the leaders of the health revolution in this country.

I was born in Cleveland where my father was the first osteopathic resident at the Cleveland Clinic. My family moved to Chicago and lived there until age 31. I attended the University of Illinois for my undergraduate degree and then, following in my father’s footsteps, spent four years at the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine for my D.O. degree. A three year internal medicine residency then a three year cardiology fellowship followed at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois while serving as Chief Fellow in my final year. I am board certified in cardiology and was a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC) from 2002-2012.

In 2002, I moved to Arizona and joined a large cardiology group. My first few years, I practiced like any other cardiologist, consulting with office patients and making hospital rounds. Procedures such as heart catheterization, implanting pacemakers, and interpreting echocardiograms and nuclear stress tests was my daily routine. I served as the Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Paradise Valley Hospital and also as the Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation. In four years, I achieved partner status with the large cardiology group and was a very successful conventional cardiologist.

As time passed, I was growing frustrated that despite all the pharmaceuticals and procedures, many patients were feeling worse. Patients were discharged from the hospital only to return to the ER shortly because doctors are not healing anyone. The realization hit me that medical doctors were not preventing disease but only attempting to treat symptoms.

In 2004, I met the most amazing woman who would soon become my wife. Heather is a chiropractor and has a heavy focus on nutrition and healthy, chemical free living. Since meeting her, I have changed my whole life and medical practice style. I have switched from the sickness paradigm to one of health and wellness. I read countless books, studied hundreds of articles, and attended as many conferences as possible. I met with natural doctors including chiropractors, homeopaths,naturopaths and different types of healers (at which most medical docs would scoff). I immersed myself in the natural lifestyle. Most importantly, I opened my mind from the brainwashing of medical training. My explicit goal in treating patients is finding the cause of disease instead of using the band-aid approach. The CAUSE is the CURE.”

Are you looking for a natural way to avoid heart disease? Take time to hear this podcast (posted above) and regain the health you deserve.

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