U.S. Government gave financial incentives to doctors to inject patients with COVID shots

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doctors-were-paid-bonus(NaturalHealth365)  As time progresses, it is becoming more widely known that physicians receive financial kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing medications. What is lesser known is that the federal government provides financial incentives to physicians using insurance companies as proxies.

Do some digging to find the truth, and you’ll learn physicians received financial compensation for injecting patients with COVID-19 shots.  Here is an in-depth look at the financial incentive program that enriched doctors for poisoning patients with Big Pharma’s COVID jab concoction.

The details of the COVID-19 shot provider incentive program come to light

The federal government reached out to physicians and others who qualified as providers of the jab to dangle a financial incentive for racking up the shots. The incentives were allegedly provided to recognize jab providers’ work to convince patients to receive the shot and administer those injections.

As an example, all “participating Kentucky primary care providers with an Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid (Anthem) panel size of 25 or more members” were eligible for the COVID-19 Vaccine Provider Incentive program. The Kentucky Vaccine Registry gauged results through a formal claims process or internal confirmation. The state initially provided two incentive payment periods, with the second coming three months after the first.

Qualifications for the jab bonus required that the practice meet or surpass specific benchmarks for jab distribution. At least one dose was to be provided by the first of September in 2021. The first incentive payment was provided following specific rates. For example, a $20 jab bonus per patient injected was provided when the 30% member threshold was struck. A $45 bonus per jabbed patient was provided when 40% of aggregate plan members were jabbed. A whopping $125 bonus for all jabbed members was provided when 75% of the group was injected with the clot shot.

Payments were determined in accordance with the number of members who received their initial jab before the end of 2021. The first payment provided for convincing innocent and unsuspecting members of the community to roll up their sleeves was distributed through a traditional check or electronic funds transfer.

Analyzing the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield COVID-19 jab provider incentive program letter

Correspondence on official Anthem letterhead detailing the financial compensation provided for the jab is making the rounds online. The correspondence sent to COVID jab providers explains the information outlined above. The letter also goes in-depth into the purpose of the program.

According to Anthem, the goal of the COVID jab incentive program was to keep patients healthy through collaboration between medical insurers, Big Pharma, physicians, and the federal government. Anthem’s infamous letter outlines the specific financial incentives for injecting patients with the shot.

Spread the word about the bribes paid for meeting COVID-19 injection thresholds

Now that there is proof of financial compensation paid to medical care providers for distributing Big Pharma injections, there is no putting the metaphorical toothpaste back in the tube. The smoking gun is still steaming hot, yet the mainstream media refuses to shed light on the truth.

The key takeaway from the admission that payment was provided to doctors for injecting patients with Big Pharma COVID-19 jabs is that those responsible for safeguarding the human condition have been compromised.  For too many people in the conventional healthcare world, money has taken top priority over morality, and our trust in government, healthcare insurers, and most physicians has been irreparably broken.

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