InPower Movement: A NEW strategy to push back against the dangerous spread of smart meters and 5G technology

InPower Movement: A NEW strategy to push back against the dangerous spread of smart meters and 5G technology

(NaturalHealth365) Josh del Sol Beaulieu, the filmmaker who brought you the investigative “smart” grid documentary film Take Back Your Power, has teamed up with some extraordinary individuals to launch the InPower Movement, an actionable solutions-based follow-up offering a method to hold accountable those who continue to cause harm with smart meters and 5G technology.

The award-winning 2013 documentary film investigates the so-called “smart” utility meters and smart grid, revealing the shocking cost increases and corruption, privacy and surveillance, home fires, health effects, hacking vulnerability, and global agenda to place a “smart” meter on every home and business in the world. As part of the InPower launch, the team has just re-released Take Back Your Power 2017.

Watch “TAKE BACK YOUR POWER 2017” – Free viewing

Take Back Your Power uncovers the spiraling problems and harms behind the global “smart” grid agenda. In the few years since its world-wide release, viewers have been consistently shocked, dismayed, disillusioned, and outraged. They have widely shared the film, engaged in conversations, and publicly unveiled their own stories about how “smart” meters have negatively impacted their lives, their homes, and their health.

The impact of this film has been transformative. People were awakened to the world-wide crisis in our midst, but also felt lost when confronting a broken leadership system. As the film’s creator, del Sol noticed that people were inspired to affect change, but felt disempowered in the face of an industry and a government that seemed to have gone off the rails. He says, “Now people know something is wrong. They want to fix it, but they don’t know how or where to start. People repeatedly asked me, ‘So, what can we do?’”

The InPower Movement is the answer to that question …

It presents a revolutionary new process of enforcing the individual commercial liability of corporate executives and government representatives who are causing egregious harm. As del Sol explains, “We are bringing power back to the people with an open source, crowd-funded movement that is of, by, and for the people. This is a societal solution, and anyone can take part, anywhere, whether you have a ‘smart’ or analog meter on your home.”

WATCH episode #1 of the INPOWER docu-series – below:

This is a fundamentally different paradigm of accountability.  And there are already indications that it works. Over the last two years, InPower ran a seed campaign with 200 participants in three regions, with impressive results. Del Sol says, “It is definitely to a paradigm shift, to realize that we have the power to change the decisions of high-level officials and executives who are involved in agendas causing harm.

And if just a couple dozen (or less) of us can do that, then a few thousand (or hopefully more) can put an end to these 5G and other wireless agendas entirely.”

Cal Washington, InPower Strategic Director, explains in Episode One, “I’m trying to teach you how to play the game at their level. And this is what scares them. Because they have to take the liability.”

A significant development toward these goals comes out of Hawaii. In early 2017, Debra Greene PhD, health and environmental consultant, led a group in Hawaii to send several dozen Notices of Liability (and Non-Consent) to the Maui Electric president.

The parent company, Hawaiian Electric, had been planning on a blanket-installation of smart meters throughout multiple islands. But, in a sudden reversal, Hawaiian Electric recently announced their complete shift to an “opt-in” plan, in which the utility must receive explicit consent from the homeowner in order to install a ‘smart’ meter.

Greene reports that they also strangely denied ever having a plan for blanket installation, despite it previously being public knowledge.

Watch the 20-minute video podcast on the liability action in Hawaii:

InPower’s roadmap includes a website functioning as a hub for individuals, groups, and communities, a place where people can come together, discuss the issues, support the movement, and most importantly, take action. They have also boldly announced intentions to adapt their process to help solve other critical problems where harm is being done.

On InPower’s current site, they have already freely posted the very same document templates and guides used by their seed groups to considerable effect, for any utility customers that want to use them. And they aim to offer a next-level participant experience.

Different in scope than other action-related processes, the website provides everything that is needed to move through the process. The steps are straight-forward and free. Their Action Center will provide interactive video content and tutorials, support options, and semi-automated generation your customized documents.

InPower’s “Phase 2” goal is to simplify, support, and expand the liability action against 5G technology.  They are currently running an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign through September 3, 2017 to help complete development and launch the next phase.

Del Sol explains, “This is about reclaiming our future, for ourselves and our families. Those in so-called positions of power are putting profits before people – this is painfully obvious now. Until now there hasn’t been any real remedy, due to the collusion between industry, government and the corporatized justice system.”

“But as their language is money, a powerful motivator for action can be commercial liability. Until now, it hasn’t been common knowledge how we can actually properly use the system of commerce to balance the scales.”

“Because of the critically-important window of time we’re in, we are actually giving all of our work away for free – and trusting that as people catch on to what we’re doing, they’ll want to see it grow. As each of our ‘seed’ groups have obtained results, we are initiating a new method of accountability in our world. We invite everyone who resonates with this desire to take part in our free educational resources and action process.”

Take action today. Start here to InPower yourself

After watching Episode #1, go to, and subscribe your email for access to Episode #2, next steps and updates.

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Consider backing InPower’s next phase, on IndieGogo.

InPower is about awareness, action, and conscious revolution. As del Sol reflects, “Coming into our power is indeed a profound shift. I believe it is time we write a better story – and that is what we are setting out to do.”

About the author: Alison Main is a freelance writer with an expertise in environmental health, electromagnetic safety, chemical safety and tech addiction. Her published work has appeared in Paleo Magazine, Best Self Magazine, Notre Dame Magazine, News of Pelham, and Read more at

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