COVID origins: How the story changed from wet market to Wuhan lab leak

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covid-origins(NaturalHealth365)  The Wuhan Institute of Virology was formed in 1956 by Chinese scientists Chen Huagui and Gao Shangyin.  The institution became the South China Institute of Microbiology in 1961.  The institute was later renamed the Wuhan Microbiology Institute.  This research space is now front and center after recently revealing that COVID-19 likely emerged from the facility nearly three years ago.

The question begs: how did COVID leak from the institute?  Was the leak intentional or a mistake?  Though we might never hear – from the mainstream media – the real answers to these questions, the United States Energy Department is now shedding light on what many consider the truth.

The U.S. Energy Department is spilling the beans on COVID’s origins

It isn’t often that a wing of the federal government admits that a “conspiracy theory” is true.  Rewind to the start of the pandemic, and less than half of the American populace believed COVID leaked from China’s Wuhan lab.  Most Americans lapped up the mainstream media’s narrative of the virus’s origin, one that insisted the virus likely spread from an unsanitary Wuhan-area wild animal meat market.

Fast forward to 2023, and the U.S. Energy Department finally admits that the virus spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  This admission is significant as it conflicts with the Big Pharma, Big Media, and Big Government narrative that the virus originated from a Chinese wet market.  The classified Energy Department study qualified its statement by indicating that the virus leaked from the lab’s virology unit instead of a bioweapons program.

The Energy Department’s analysis holds significant weight as it oversees a vast network of laboratories, including those in other nations that receive funding from the United States.  The tax dollars of hardworking United States citizens directly funded the Wuhan lab.

Why is the Federal Government changing its tune?

The findings laid out above oppose previous reports from several United States Intelligence agencies that determined the pandemic resulted from an infected animal transmitting the virus.  Though two of the agencies that researched the virus origins were “undecided” in regard to COVID’s origins, it is becoming increasingly clear that a worker in the Wuhan lab leaked the virus.

When pressed for the reasoning behind altering its position on the virus’s origins, Energy Department officials refused to provide additional details.  Furthermore, the department and representatives from the FBI also failed to justify their original claim that the virus originated in a Wuhan wet market.  It is quite possible that both government agencies are lying and that the true origin of COVID was a biological weapons program.

In fact, many people studying this issue are insisting the United States government and other world leaders gave the green light for the release of the virus to depopulate the planet, save the environment and consolidate wealth even more into the hands of the 1%.  The wealthiest 1% of the global population have amassed two-thirds of aggregate wealth since the start of the pandemic.

China’s response to the lab leak claim

Chinese officials offered a staunch denial when pressed to respond to the United States’ claim that the virus likely leaked from the Wuhan lab.  The totalitarians in charge of the dystopian nation dispute that the virus leaked from its Virology lab.  The Chinese government’s narrative is that the virus naturally emerged from the wild and gradually spread to distant lands.

The worst-case scenario is that the virus leak was planned by global elites, serving as a pretext to crash the world economy, implement strict social control measures, jab the masses with injections containing nanoparticles, and pave a path toward a new world order in the form of a global government.

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