ATTENTION diabetics: These 3 popular spices can help manage your blood sugar

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spices-for-diabetics(NaturalHealth365)  Did you know that there are organic spices for diabetics that can help manage your blood sugar better?  It is easy to add to any recipe and gives plenty of nutrients and specific health benefits.  Many studies suggest that merely half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can significantly reduce excess blood sugar levels.

But before you run to the health food store to buy cinnamon, don’t forget to add fenugreek, coriander, and clove seeds.  These spices give you that extra kick of flavor while, at the same time, helping to stabilize your energy level.

Multiple studies confirm fenugreek’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels

Fenugreek seeds contain many natural compounds, but research has identified that the phytonutrient galactomannan and amino acid 4 – hydroxyisoleucine are responsible for its glucose-lowering effect.  Many lab studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of fenugreek in lowering blood sugar in type-2 diabetics.

In a study on human subjects with mild type-2 diabetes, consumption of fenugreek extract for two months decreased the blood sugar levels and was less insulin resistant than the placebo group.  In another study, published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 50 grams of fenugreek seed powder consumed twice daily decreased the fasting blood sugar level, improved glucose tolerance, and reduced the urinary glucose output by 54% in type-1 diabetics.

In addition to this – it also decreased the total cholesterol, signs indicating its usefulness in managing diabetes and treating its complications.  There is no recommended amount of fenugreek, however, clinical studies have used 5 grams of seeds or a gram of the powder per day.

Spices for diabetics can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion

Although coriander and cilantro belong to the same family, coriander leaves and seeds offer more significant benefits than cilantro.  Coriander seeds contain two volatile oils – linalool and geranyl acetate – potent antioxidants that work at a cellular level.  Lab studies have shown that coriander seed extracts decreased plasma glucose, improved insulin sensitivity, and improved serum lipid levels in animal models.

Another study showed that 200 mg/kg of coriander seed extracts significantly increased the activity of insulin-secreting beta cells compared to the diabetic control animals.  In a human study reported in Digestive Diseases and Sciences, researchers observed that coriander (seed) powder decreased the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a chronic digestive complaint.  Study participants reported a greater absence of bloating, pain, and constipation compared to the placebo group.

Lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels with cloves

Cloves are rich in antioxidants anthocyanins and quercetin plus high in an active component called eugenol and is also an excellent source of manganese, a good source of omega-3 fats, vitamins C, K, fiber and minerals calcium, magnesium. In addition, this spice is a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic.

In one study, 30 type-2 diabetics were given capsules containing 0, 1, 2, or 3 grams of cloves each day – for a month – to observe the serum glucose levels.  Study authors found that serum glucose dropped from 225 to 150 mg/dl, significantly dropping triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL levels.  Therefore, researchers suggested that consuming 1 to 3 grams of cloves per day is beneficial for people with type-2 diabetes to better manage their glucose and total cholesterol levels.

It is always best not to focus on one spice alone; adding a variety of spices to season your food doubles its medicinal value.  Naturally, for best results, always work with an experienced healthcare provider or health coach about the best nutritional advice for you – especially if you have diabetes.

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