Chelation therapy for heavy metal toxicity, the pros and cons

(Naturalhealth365) With the staggering 80,000 synthetic chemicals lurking in the environment – and over 700 contaminants present at detectable levels in the body of the average American adult – it is clear that modern life poses unprecedented challenges to the immune system. According to medical researcher Dr. Thomas Janossy plus many other integrative healthcare experts, chelation represents an essential detoxification tool for maintaining optimal health.
Simply put, most people suffering from chronic health conditions are dealing with a high toxic burden that is overwhelming the body’s natural defenses and triggering symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and cardiovascular issues. This is why chelation therapy is considered – to help remove the toxic load from our life.
Discover the proper way to detoxify the body with chelation therapy. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and detoxification pioneer Dr. Thomas Janossy discuss the lifesaving benefits of chelation therapy plus, how to make it work for you with safe, science-based protocols. If your life is being diminished due to heavy metal toxicity – you won’t want to miss this highly-informative program about your health.
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How chelation effectively removes toxic heavy metals from the body
Chelation therapy involves the administration of chemical compounds such as DMSA or EDTA. These chelating agents bind to metals – and allow them to be eliminated from the body.
Successful chelation can provide a wealth of health benefits that extend to virtually all body systems and organs. For example, Dr. Janossy maintains that detoxifying bone marrow helps the body produce a greater number of stem cells, while helping to enhance the telomeres (the “caps” at the ends of chromosomes that are associated with longevity).
Chelation can help decalcify arterial walls, clearing them of atherosclerotic plaque and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease. In addition, chelation helps to raise levels of beneficial nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessel walls – as well as reducing blood pressure, decreasing blood cholesterol levels, decreasing angina (chest pain) and even regulating cardiac arrhythmias.
Reducing heavy metal levels can also help minimize the destructive effects and symptoms of artificial EMFs (a form of radiation exposure), produced by cell phones, laptops, cell phone towers and Wi-Fi networks.
And, finally, one of chelation’s most impressive powers is its ability to disrupt biofilms – those persistent and difficult-to-treat layered communities of pathogenic bacteria.
To learn more – directly from Dr. Janossy – about his pioneering work with innovative (safe) ways to detoxify the body, don’t miss the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour hosted by Jonathan Landsman.
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Chelation therapy can sharply reduce your cancer risk from lead exposure
As you may know, exposure to lead increases oxidative stress, interferes with the immune system and lowers glutathione levels – which is crucial for detoxification.
Lead is a primary environmental health threat for children, with exposure causing lowered IQ and other cognitive issues. Lead exposure affects adults as well, with over 30 million American adults at risk of premature death due to past lead exposure.
Dr. Janossy warns that exposure to toxic heavy metals – including lead – increases the incidence of genetic defects such as cell mutations, thereby raising the risk of cancer. Lead exposure, in particular, can cause malfunction in the formation of blood cells and can trigger cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma.
In the past, chelation therapy was only available through IV administration. But, now, Dr.Janossy has developed a new (safe) protocol that he wants to share with our audience. Keep in mind, if done incorrectly, chelation (or any other detox program) can produce many unwanted side effects such as, dizziness, neurological problems and – in some cases – premature death.
Find out how to protect your health. Be sure to mark your calendar and join us for a great show.
Discover a safe way to detoxify the body of heavy metals – Sun. Nov. 26
This week’s guest: Dr. Thomas Janossy, medical researcher and detoxification expert
Dr. Thomas Janossy is a pioneer in the field of natural health – who has done groundbreaking work in the area of detoxification, anti-biofilm strategies and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. He has researched ketones at Sunnybrook Health Science Center at the University of Chicago, and worked as a neuroscientist performing research on the brain at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Medicine.
Dr. Janossy launched the first commercially available stem cell testing opportunity at the University of Toronto, and is the developer of the first natural anti-malaria product. In addition, Dr. Janossy holds a Veterinary Medicine degree from St. Stephen University in Budapest – which gives him a broader perspective on nutrition, sickness and health across many species. He is dedicated to helping patients achieve outstanding wellness revolving around a strong immune system, minimizing toxic burdens and improving our nutritional status.
Sources for this article include:
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.