Toxic metal hip replacement could cause dementia or heart disease, doctors claim

(NaturalHealth365) Advancements in hip replacement procedures have given tremendous pain relief, for some people with severe joint issues. However, new information is revealing that the material used could be toxic – leading to many health issues, like dementia.
The problem is: these metal hip replacement devices leach out toxic chemicals into the bloodstream. And, while some people may not be affected with unwanted symptoms. The reality is: more toxins injected directly into bodily fluids will always tend to increase the risk of chronic inflammation, Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular problems.
Toxic cobalt from metal on metal hip replacement devices go directly into the blood
Regulatory agencies in many countries are now requesting that healthcare facilities should call in any patients who have received these devices for testing. They will be given blood tests and x-rays to check for adverse reactions.
The toxicity risk applies to any person who received metal on metal style hip implants. It is suspected that the cobalt – a heavy metal – within these devices could be causing the reactions.
As with any health intervention, it’s always important to weigh the benefits versus the risks. The goal is to improve health and quality of life while also minimizing harm and side effects. (in an ‘ideal’ world)
Editor’s note: The majority of orthopedic surgeries are avoidable by following an anti-inflammatory diet and a high-quality therapeutic program including: daily massage time, heat therapy sessions and stretching (in the proper way) – to improve circulation and flexibility.
Having said that: many people experience renewed mobility and freedom from joint pain as a result of receiving these medical devices. Ideally, healthcare professionals ought to strive to find a balance between not being an ‘alarmist’ while also alerting the public to potential risks and issues associated with any medical procedure.
But, just to be clear, these devices do come with serious side effects.
Tens of thousands of hip replacement patients could be at risk
Back in 2010, two types of hip implants from the DePuy company had to be taken off the market due to safety concerns. They comprised 10,000 of the metal on metal hips installed in UK patients after 2003.
Hundreds of these people sued the DePuy company over complications that resulted from the ASR and ASR XL hip replacement device models. All recipients were advised to have themselves checked for toxic cobalt and chromium exposure.
An estimated 56,000 total UK patients have had metal on metal replacement surgery, and tens of thousands have received them in the U.S. as well. Some of the potential known side effects have included muscle and bone damage; however, now nervous system and heart issues are possible risks.
Heavy metal dangers pose a toxic risk to everyone
Many patients – who have received these devices – report being in constant pain from them. Many have suffered nerve and muscle damage, which renders them housebound.
While most hip replacement patients receive annual checkups anyway, doctors of patients with metal on metal device models are being advised to administer even more stringent testing measures.
In truth: heavy metal toxicities pose a risk to everyone, not just those with hip replacements. Mercury from vaccines and dental (‘silver’) fillings are a big concern. Plus, aluminum (technically not a heavy metal) in vaccines and personal products can all tax the immune system and threaten our health.
Bottom line: by being proactive in limiting your exposure to heavy metals (and other environmental toxins) your future health will thank you!
Editor’s note: Register now for the Holistic Oral Health Summit and discover the best way to remove mercury-based, ‘silver’ fillings.
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