Merck’s new drug to treat COVID causes dangerous virus mutations

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covid-drug-casues-dangerous-virus-mutations(NaturalHealth365)  Researchers revealed that Merck’s newest COVID drug is causing coronavirus mutations in the bodies of unsuspecting patients.  It is quite alarming that COVID can generate 10,000 replications of genetic coding in merely a couple of hours after breaching a human cell.  Each replication hikes the chances of the virus spawning a replica that is inexact and likely even more destructive.

The underlying problem with relying on Merck’s latest drug to treat COVID is that this new drug intentionally changes the genetic coding of the virus, heightening the chances of an ensuing mutation that compromises human health.  Merck’s corporate brass has contacted several scientists, revealing that the company’s drug can potentially spur mutations that ultimately make coronavirus more of a threat to human health.

Is Merck’s drug making it more difficult to treat COVID?

Merck’s COVID drug, named Lagevrio, was rushed to market despite internal concerns that it can potentially generate harmful mutations within the human body.  Unfortunately, the push to bring Lagevrio to the market appears to be another example of prioritizing Big Pharma profits over human health and wellbeing.

Researchers in both the United States and Great Britain sound the alarm, highlighting how Lagevrio is causing mutations within COVID patients that have the potential to be a net negative for human health.  Though Lagevrio can mitigate the severity of COVID symptoms, subsequent mutations resulting from the drug also create the opportunity for COVID to become that much more potent and transmissible.

What’s the science behind Lagevrio?

Though the verbiage of the pharmaceutical industry is intimidating, it is our civic duty to put on our epidemiology “thinking caps” to obtain a full understanding of what Big Pharma’s concoctions are doing to human health.  Merck’s Lagevrio zeroes in on coronavirus through an attempt to change its underlying genetic coding.  However, the ensuing mutations within human cells create the potential to unintentionally spur the creation of COVID variants that prove even more harmful to human health or even hyper-contagious.

As of the date of this publication, viral samples derived from scores of patients reveal there are significant mutations that develop in the aftermath of taking Lagevrio.  The ensuing mutations make it perfectly clear that there is an inherent risk to blindly accepting Big Pharma’s latest lab-made concoctions to treat a virus that the human body’s immune system can fend off on its own.

Lagevrio is coming to your local hospital

Lagevrio was officially authorized in the United States at the end of 2021.  However, the use of the drug extends well beyond the United States’ borders.  Merck’s corporate heads have greased the palms of the Chinese authoritarian government, setting the stage for the use of the drug throughout the entire dystopian country.  It probably won’t be long until nations throughout the world readily embrace Lagevrio for use in their hospitals, urgent care centers, and other medical facilities where COVID patients are treated.

Stay tuned as more details about the potential dangers of Lagevrio, including its efficacy (or lack thereof), are revealed in the months and years ahead.

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