Deceptive smart meters – False readings up to 528 percent higher than actual energy consumption

Deceptive smart meters – False readings up to 528 percent higher than actual energy consumption

(NaturalHealth365) Over 50 million so-called smart meters have already been installed in homes across the United States – and the number increases daily. Although some herald them as an ‘energy-efficient’ way to help consumers reduce electric bills, many public health and safety advocates are fighting to expose the grim truth: “smart” meters present a grave threat to human health and personal privacy.

Now, research reveals that these brand new, digital meters – being placed on homes throughout the world – can be wildly inaccurate in their assessment of energy usage. (costing consumers way more money in energy bills)

Dutch study yields jaw-dropping results about smart meters

Just as in America, smart meters, or “static energy meters,” are replacing traditional electromechanical energy meters all across the Netherlands. In fact, the Dutch government has announced its goal of having these digital meters in every household in the country by 2020 – a mere three years away.

In both the United States and the Netherlands, many consumers have insisted that the new electronic energy meters yield excessively high readings. In a new study published in the scientific journal IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine and conducted by the University of Twente and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, researchers found that they were right.

To conduct the study, lead researcher Franz Leferink, Professor of Electromagnetic Compatibility at the UT, tested nine different electronic meters manufactured between 2004 and 2014. The meters were connected via electric switchboard to various power-saving devices – including energy-saving light bulbs, heaters, LED bulbs and dimmers. The team then compared actual energy consumption with the readings furnished by the electronic meters.

The results were profoundly disturbing. Five of the nine meters – more than half – gave readings higher than the actual power consumed – in some cases, a staggering 582 percent higher. Other readings were 475 percent, 566 percent, 569 percent and 581 percent higher than actual use. (This could theoretically reflect a near six-fold increase in a utility bill – a rip-off of outrageous proportions!)

In contrast, only two of the meters gave inaccurate readings that were as much as 32 percent lower than the actual power consumed.

Incompatibility problem causes serious errors

The researchers believe they discovered a design flaw in the new energy meters, which became apparent when the meters were used with modern, energy-efficient switching devices – which create non-linear, fast-switching electrical loads. The greatest inconsistencies were seen when dimmers, combined with energy-saving light bulbs and LEDs, were tested in the system.

When switching devices are used, the electricity no longer exhibits a perfect waveform, but develops an erratic pattern – something the designers of the new meters did not allow for. After disassembling the meters, the researchers determined that excessive readings were delivered by meters containing a “Rogowski coil” current sensor while those associated with low readings used a “Hall effect-based” current sensor.

Professor Leferink noted that the errors occurred in spite of the fact that all meters tested met legal requirements and were certified – and he estimates that potentially inaccurate meters have been installed in at least 750,000 Dutch households.

A way of legally protecting yourself from harm

Professor Leferink noted that consumers who feel their meters are giving faulty readings can have the meter tested by an accredited inspection company. But, if the inspection shows that the meter is functioning properly, the consumer will have to pay all costs involved in the inspection.

A more pressing problem is the fact that the standardized test doesn’t make allowances for waveform-distorting power-consuming appliances either, and is thereby an unreliable method for detecting false readings. The researchers advise consumers who suspect inaccurate meter readings to contact their supplier, who will then pass the complaint on to the power grid operator.

However, there is another solution – you can legally refuse having a smart meter installed. Click here to learn more about the right way to protect your rights (and your health).

The suppressed truth: Smart meters emit dangerous amounts of toxic radiation

Residential smart meters emit non-ionizing microwaves at the rate of 10,000 to 200,000 pulses per meter a day – a relentless bombardment which gives the body no time to recover or repair the damage. In fact, this is the radioactive equivalent of 160 cell phones. Repeated exposure to excessive radiation can trigger migraines and neurological conditions, as well as various types of cancer.

The World Health Organization has classified non-ionizing radiation as a Class 2B Carcinogen, at the same level as lead and propylene oxide – both known carcinogens. And, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has called for a moratorium on smart meters until the health effects can be adequately studied.

In the film Take Back Your Power, independent researcher Dr. Frank Springbob studies blood samples taken from volunteers after one minute of exposure one foot away from a smart meter, and detects misshapen and clumping red blood cells – a clear sign of free radical damage.

Not surprisingly, utility companies continue to deny that smart meters emit radio frequency radiation at a high enough level to make people sick.

Although the term “smart meters” seems to impart an aura of intelligence and trustworthiness, the truth is that these sinister devices are a major part of a multi-trillion dollar scam being perpetrated in the name of “climate action” and grid modernization. The “powers that be” know this, and are hoping against hope that they will not be called to account by an informed and empowered people.


Toxic radiation: So-called ‘SMART METERS’ are anything but smart

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