5-year cancer survival rate for chemotherapy is 2.1%

5-year cancer survival rate for chemotherapy is 2.1%
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(NaturalHealth365) There has been an ongoing debate about the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs for cancer patients as well as their effect on cancer survival rates. However, American and Australian studies have shown that cancer survival rates after receiving chemotherapy can be as startlingly low as 2.1%.

These studies took a 5-year look at cancer survival rates in cancer patients who received chemotherapy. The overall contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival was found to be just 2.1% for cancer patients in the U.S. and 2.3% for patients in Australia. While the 5-year cancer survival rate for Australian cancer patients is at this time more than 60%, these studies have shown that the use of chemotherapy makes a negligible contribution.

Revealing the negative side effects of chemotherapy versus health benefits

The side effects of chemotherapy and negative impact upon health comprise a very long list. These ill health effects include vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, bladder issues, bleeding, anemia, bruising, hair loss, edema, infections, lymphedema, neutropenia, nerve issues, mouth and throat issues, fertility problems and ongoing physical pain. Those who undergo chemotherapy also report ongoing fatigue, memory issues, difficultly in concentrating, insomnia and sexual issues.

Furthermore, the use of chemotherapy drugs with clients experiencing end-stage cancers worsens their quality of life while providing no overall survival benefits, according to a study published in JAMA Oncology. With such a poor effectiveness rate along with horrible side effects, these harsh and harmful chemicals are clearly not worth the risks.


Why kill the immune response – when it’s needed most?

Some researchers theorize that the reason for resistance to chemotherapy in so many patients is that they build up a cellular tolerance to the drugs. The drugs used in chemotherapy also aren’t generally engineered for specific types of cancer, further diluting their effectiveness. Since chemotherapy drugs usually only target cancer cells that divide, any dormant cancer stem cells are often not effectively addressed by chemotherapy.

Clients who are given chemotherapy as a treatment become increasingly affected by drug detoxification. This in turn suppresses the immune system, exhausts the cellular repair mechanism, lowers drug receptor sensitivity, and alters pH gradients in negative ways.

In short, chemotherapy is very often a self-defeating therapy, decreasing white cell counts and weakening the immune system.

Fighting cancer with less harmful and more effective measures

While the side effects and negative health consequences of chemotherapy can be assisted with a ketogenic diet and key supplements like green tea polyphenols, some research has shown that these measures alone are more effective than chemotherapy.

A ketogenic diet is one that eliminates carbohydrates and starches in favor of vegetables, healthy fats and small amounts of high-quality lean proteins. It is believed that the reduction in glucose in the body helps to starve cancer cells, which feed on glucose. Lowering protein intake also contributes to slowing cancer cell proliferation.

Clearly, the funding and use of chemotherapy drugs as a cancer treatment should be reconsidered by the entire medical establishment. At the very least, a rigorous re-evaluation of the impact upon quality of life and their financial cost should be undertaken.







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