LOWER your risk of diabetes and heart disease by eating tree nuts

LOWER your risk of diabetes and heart disease by eating tree nuts
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(NaturalHealth365)  The fear of diabetes and heart disease can cause many people to think that fat is the ‘enemy.’  Nothing could be further from the truth – especially when it comes to eating (healthy) fats like, tree nuts.

You see, there are many misguided theories out there suggesting that nuts have fat, therefore they are ‘bad for you.’  And, while nuts do contain fat, they are ‘good’ (non-toxic) fats – which actually help people to lose excess body weight, avoid heart disease and even balance blood sugar levels.

Looking for a delicious, healthy snack?  Tree nuts are the way to go and, yes, it’s even backed by science.

LOWER your risk of diabetes: Eating nuts will lower blood fats and sugars, study reveals

Nuts are a good combination of minerals, vitamins, proteins and unsaturated fats that are essential in lowering insulin resistance, inflammation and ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol. A recent study carried out at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto and published in the BMJ Open journal found that consumption of tree nuts resulted in blood sugar and triglycerides reduction – two of the five metabolic syndrome indicators.

An individual is said to have metabolic syndrome should they have three of these:

  1. High triglycerides
  2. High blood sugar
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Excess weight around the waist
  5. Low levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein)

Dr. John Sievenpiper, the lead researcher said that the biggest drop in blood sugar and triglycerides was observed in persons who made tree nuts part of their diet when compared to those under the control diet.

He additionally mentioned that despite nuts being high in calories, they at no point inclined towards adversely impacting the other metabolic syndrome risk factors hence further watering down the theory that nuts are bad for your health.

Patients in this study ate only 50 grams of nuts on a daily basis.

Also worth noting: tree nuts are included in the Mediterranean and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet – which is known to help reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and prevent heart disease.

What are some good examples of healthy tree nuts?

Pine nuts, pecans, walnuts, hickory nuts, cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, chestnuts, and pistachios are great examples of tree nuts. If you want to control blood sugar and triglycerides (blood fats) effectively, make sure that you include 50 grams of tree nuts in your diet everyday.

By the way, 50 grams is just 1.76 ounces / day.  So, you see, small changes to the diet can have a significant (positive) impact on your life.

And, finally, (in case you’re wondering) the best choice would be organic, sprouted nuts – since non-organic tree nuts are loaded with toxic chemicals known to trigger inflammation, cancer cell growth, hormonal imbalances plus a range of digestive issues.

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