Nasal Vax: Watch out for Big Pharma’s next money maker

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nasal-vax-is-big-pharma-s-next-money-maker(NaturalHealth365)  After billions and billions of doses of mRNA COVID shots have been injected into the arms of humans around the world, are major pharmaceutical companies now looking for ways to make it even easier to get their highly profitable drugs into people’s bodies?

The push for new routes of vax administration could signal a shift for a future of even more mandated medical “treatments.”

Are pharmaceutical powerhouses pushing for nasal vaxxes for the “next” pandemics?

Despite past failures, intranasally-administered vaxxes (vaxxes inhaled through the nose) seem poised to make a major comeback.  As Children’s Health Defense notes, drug manufacturers have plenty of reasons to prefer and make inhalable vaxxes – they’re convenient, easier to administer and dispose of, and are less invasive and less “scary” for people who are afraid of needles, which could help increase buy-in and compliance.

Of course, scientists have long been concerned about the proximity of the nasal passages to the brain – potentially providing a high risk of nanoparticles, mRNA molecules, and other compounds interacting with and potentially entering the central nervous system directly.  So, with this potential risk at hand, can we really say with any confidence that nasal vaxxes would be any less “invasive” or necessarily safer, for that matter?

In other breaking news, CDC “relaxes” unscientific COVID-19 mitigation guidelines

While mainstream officials will no doubt continue to encourage dose after dose of COVID shots, they certainly seem to be changing their tunes about plenty of policies that have been sharply criticized throughout various stages of the pandemic.

On August 11, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their current COVID-19 mitigation recommendations.  These updates are available on a CDC webpage called “Summary of Guidance for Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 on Individual Persons, Communities, and Health Care Systems.”

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Among their biggest shifts:

  • It’s no longer recommended to screen asymptomatic individuals
  • It’s no longer recommended to socially or physically distance (guess all those stores will have to scrape off the stickers and tape on the floors that were intended to keep people at least six feet away from each other)
  • It’s no longer recommended to quarantine after exposure to the virus

Quoted in an August 11 article published by NPR, Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, says that the CDC’s updated guidelines now “focus on individuals making their own decisions about their level of risk and how they want to mitigate that risk.”

Interesting, isn’t it?  That “individuals making their own decisions” is suddenly acceptable in the mainstream narrative!

In what can be read as a nod to the catastrophic effects of lockdowns and social isolation, the CDC says that “high levels of vaccine- and infection-induced immunity and the availability of effective treatments and prevention tools have substantially reduced the risk for medically significant COVID-19 illness”, and therefore allow for “public health efforts to minimize the individual and societal health impacts of COVID-19.”

These new guidelines may be less than transparent, however.  Quoted in CNN, Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious disease specialist at the University of California at San Francisco, says he believes the CDC’s move is little more than an attempt to regain public trust and remain “relevant.”  That way, “when they say something, people will listen to them instead of being completely 180 degrees away from what behavior is anyway.”

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