WiFi and cell phone radiation increases the risk of miscarriages by almost 50 percent

(NaturalHealth365) Cell phones, laptops and tablets are becoming all too common – throughout the world. In fact, many people would venture to say, ‘they can’t live’ without these devices. Yet, disturbing new scientific evidence suggests that magnetic field radiation from WiFi and cell phones could potentially jeopardize one of the most personal and precious connections of all – pregnancy and gestation.
A new study funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences found that magnetic field (MF) non-ionizing radiation – also known as electromagnetic field exposure or EMFs – is associated with a dramatic increase in miscarriage rate. MF radiation is emitted not only by WiFi networks and cell phones, but by power lines and transformers, electric appliances, cell phone towers, routers and “smart” meters.
Of course, the upcoming 5G network rollout will increase MF radiation exponentially. All of us should be very concerned about our future health.
WiFi Study: Looking at almost 1,000 pregnant women yields stunning results
The study, conducted by researchers from the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research and published in Scientific Reports, involved 913 pregnant women.
The participants were outfitted with MF radiation meters that monitored their exposure over a 24-hour period. They also kept journals detailing their activities over the monitoring period – and noted how “typical” these activities were.
And, the results were troubling.
The researchers found that women exposed to the highest levels of radiation were a shocking 48 percent more likely to suffer miscarriages than women exposed to the lowest amounts.
Studying the effects of MF radiation on pregnancies – as opposed to looking for adverse effects occurring years later (such as increased risk of cancer or autoimmune disease) – allowed the team to obtain their findings relatively quickly.
Study leader Dr. De-Kun Li, Ph.D., a reproductive and prenatal epidemiologist, urgently called for “much-needed additional studies into the potential environmental hazards to human health – including the health of pregnant women.”
And, she is not alone in calling for more research. The World Health Organization recently identified the effects of MF radiation as a “research priority.”
Incidentally, the WHO also classifies EMF radiation as a class 2B possible carcinogen – the same category in which it places such toxins as DDT and lead.
In addition to noting a current scarcity of research on the subject of MF radiation, Dr. Li said that the amount of radiation that can cause harm is not yet identified. “We don’t know the biological threshold beyond which problems may develop,” Dr. Li acknowledged.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, the odds of a miscarriage – defined as losing a baby less than 20 weeks into pregnancy – are currently between 15 and 20 percent for most women in the United States.
Higher exposure to MF radiation raises risk almost threefold
The study found that the miscarriage rate for women exposed to the highest levels of MF radiation was 24.2 percent, while those exposed at the lowest levels had a 10.4 percent risk.
In other words, the women who were exposed to higher levels had 2.72 times the risk of miscarriage – meaning those women at the highest levels of MF exposure experienced almost triple the risk of women with the least exposure.
The researchers reported that the results held true regardless of other factors – including whether the women had a past history of miscarriage.
In arriving at their findings, the researchers also accounted for maternal age, income, marital status, race, education, smoking, alcohol use and coffee drinking.
Additional studies also show increased risk of miscarriage – as well as cancer
Earlier studies have also raised concerns.
A 2002 study published in Epidemiology and involving 969 women also showed increased risk of miscarriage with MF exposure above a certain level. (This study, conducted over 24 hours, identified 16 mG, or milliGauss, as the threshold for higher risk.)
Four other studies over the past 15 years have shown increased miscarriage risk from EMFs as well.
Two specifically examined the impact of EMFs from cell phones and wireless networks – and observed that more frequent cell phone use and close proximity to wireless base stations were both associated with an increased risk of miscarriage.
Other studies have shown direct evidence of adverse biological impact. Researchers have examined human embryonic tissues to evaluate the association between MF exposure and embryonic growth, and have found an increased risk of impaired embryonic bud growth and apoptosis (cell death) associated with exposure to higher MF levels.
And, in the English town of Gateshead, a controversy is currently raging over the effects of 5G wireless technology. Resident Mark Steele – a former employee of IEEE Communications Society – insists that the town’s new wireless streetlight system has caused a rash of nosebleeds, insomnia and stillbirths in the area.
“Babies are dying in the womb,” says Steele. “…It’s a humanitarian crisis.”
Magnetic field radiation has also been linked to cancer and genetic damage. A National Toxicology Program study revealed an increased risk of cancer from MF exposure – and found that the cancer risk dovetailed exactly with the exact cancer cell types observed in previous human studies.
There are steps you can take to limit your exposure to MF radiation
Experts say that pregnant women should keep cell phones well away from the abdomen, and avoid carrying them close to the body (such as: in a pocket or brassiere).
Other smart moves include keeping cell phones on airplane mode when not actively using them – as well as talking on speakerphone, or using a hands-free headset. Try to keep conversations brief, and text whenever possible, or – better yet – use an old-fashioned landline.
Some experts recommend turning your router off at night – especially if it’s in the bedroom. It is especially important to minimize MF radiation exposure at night, while sleeping – as this is when your body repairs DNA damage.
Finally, consider replacing Wi-FI technology in your home with wired internet.
Note: a radiation frequency meter can help you assess the level of EMFs in your home.
Not all scientists agree that MF radiation is dangerous. Some say that the radiation is too weak to penetrate the human body far enough to cause adverse effects.
However, this latest study seems to show the potential for real harm. By following some common-sense steps, pregnant women can reduce exposure – and potentially help minimize the unfavorable odds of a miscarriage.
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